Just like the horror movies

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A/N: Sorry it took so long, I’ve had some major writers block! Hope this chapter is interesting for you all, and doesn’t disappoint. Thanks to those that reviewed and favorite it means a lot. Please review! J

Chapter 13: Just like the horror movies

Shawn POV:

“My daughter was murdered.” I choked out.

He flinched at these words and slowly pulled away. “What the hell are you talking about kid? You don’t have a daughter.” He said confused. “In order for you to have a daughter you would have to have a steady girlfriend, you haven’t had one since Juliet and we both know she isn’t pregnant.”

I shook my head and wiped my eyes frantically, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Dad it was Cassidy. She was pregnant that night at the carnival eleven years ago. I had no idea she was when she broke it off between us.” I said pulling away from our embrace.

“And she neglected to tell you all these years why?” He asked skeptically.

I scoffed, running a hand through my hair, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. “She apparently had some stupid idea that I would abandon her and the baby, if I would of known she was pregnant, I would have been there for her!” I said with a louder voice.

“Alright calm down son, let’s take a seat. “He said, gesturing me to the table. I pulled out a chair and sat down. I placed my elbows on the table resting my head in my hands. He pulled up a chair and took a seat next to me and took a deep breath before starting. “Alright let’s say you had a daughter, I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but where’s the proof?” He said seriously.

“I have these.” I mumbled, sliding him the photo albums. He opened the photo albums and just stared at the picture. “Jesus, she looks just like you.” He said rubbing a hand on his forehead, leaning back on the chair.  

“I-I got tired of Cass hiding things from me, since she transferred here, she’s been distant, secretive. So yesterday when she left work early I went to her computer and pulled up her file.”

“Shawn, she told you-“ He began.

“I know what she told me dad! Don’t you think I have a right to know, she told me everything. There were no secrets between us. Then all of a sudden she comes back and BAM! She’s a totally different person.” I spat. “I got tired of it, I wanted the Cass I knew and loved back, and I come across this,” I said pointing angrily to the photo albums. “I love Cass, I would have done anything for her, but for her not to tell me something this important, kills me.”

“H-How did it happen? I mean how she was murdered.” He stammered, looking down at the pictures.

I cleared my throat. “The file said she was shot several times, they never found any evidence linking to a suspect,”

He gritted his teeth. “So the son of bitch got away with it.” He said slamming a fist on the table. “Where was Cassidy when all this went down?”

“She was working late that evening. She said she was assigned marksman duty for a hostage situation. Her phone went off several times, but couldn’t answer it. She received a voice mail from Hailey, and she heard the whole thing. By the time she arrived, it was too late.” I said.

“Does she recall anyone threatening to harm her or Hailey, maybe an ex boyfriend or an arrest during a sting?” He asked

I shook my head. “Not that she mentioned, we really didn’t have much time to talk about it, since the house caught on fire.” I said, but remembered what the detectives said about there being a suspect leaving the scene at the time of the fire. “Wait, dad. The detectives said there was a suspect leaving the house when the house was on fire, umm.” I said, trying to think of the person’s name. “A Matthew Brown, the guy they arrested for running me off the road.”

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