A John Doe and Forgiveness

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A/N: Please vote and comment, would mean alot. At least I know people are reading it. Also, I'm really sorry if some of you were dissapointed in my last chapter, I had mixed reviews on it, so it hit a 50/50 with me. :(

Cass POV:

I heard the sound of rushing footsteps approaching. I quickly grabbed my flashlight and pistol off the ground and used the wall for support as I stood up.

“Reed!” Lassiter said running to my side. “Jesus, O’Hara, get a hold of an emergency unit.” I tried to tell her there was no need, but she was already dialing. His long arms held me in place as his eyes racked over my body. “Where are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, really. It’s not my blood. It belongs to him.” I said pointing to the dismantled corpse. “He swung down from the ceiling, and I didn’t react quickly enough and he ended up taking me down.”

Lassiter gently moved me aside, and knelt down next to the body. He grabbed his flashlight out of his pouch and examined the body.

“The paramedics are on their way,” Juliet said closing her phone. Her eyes lowered to the floor where Lassiter was kneeling. She let out a small gasp, placing a hand over her mouth. “How awful, who would do such a thing?” She asked,

“O’Hara get a hold of CSI and the Coroner so we can get this place sealed off. I’m going to make a call to the chief and inform her of the situation.” Lassiter ordered. “And Reed, go see if you can find those two baboons that ran out screaming and bring them back here. I hate to say it, but I think we’re going to need Spencer on this.”

“Gladly.” I muttered sarcastically. I walked outside as the paramedics were pulling up. I noticed Shawn and Gus were standing next to the blueberry with guilty expressions. I bit my tongue, not in the mood to scold them, and limped over to my car. My leg was on fire and my whole body ached due to the impact.

I groaned in pain as I tried to remove my vest. “Here, let me help you.” Shawn said running to my side, “Oh, now you want to help me?” I said, skeptically, dropping my arms to my side, giving up on removing the vest. “You two idiots left me behind back there, alone and afraid, while a dismantled corpse fell on top of me!” I shouted. “I would never, ever leave you two behind like that. I would take a bullet for you two, but seeing you abandon me like that is low. Even for you two. So no Shawn, I don’t need your help.” I hissed, swatting his hand away.


“Detective, if you could please come with us so we could take a look at your wounds?” The medic said quickly walking to my side.

“I don’t need to be examined, I’m fine.” I said pushing past the medic. I turned back to Shawn. “Lassiter wants you two back in there, so let’s see what you can see ‘psychic’.” I signaled to Gus to follow and we headed back to the warehouse.


The stench in the hallway was overwhelming. I passed O’Hara my handkerchief which she gladly accepted and placed it to her face, I took a quick glance at the others and noticed Gus was ready to bolt out the warehouse the first chance he got, but managed to hold his breath until we were out. Even Shawn had gone pale under the beard stubble. Lassiter and I pretended the smell didn’t bother us, but I could tell he was doing the same thing I was, breathing in short and shallow gasps.

“What about it Spencer, are you getting any ‘psychic’ visions on what could’ve happened here?” Lassiter asked.

Shawn partly raised his hands to his head, and then dropped them to his side. “I’m sorry Lassie, but if spirits liked hanging around this kind of stench, they would have never left their bodies in the first place.”

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