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A/N: Please review, I love to hear feedback. It’d be nice to know if people are reading.

Chapter 11: Ablaze

??? POV

The sleek black leather gloves hugged my hands perfectly as I tightly gripped the steering wheel. She needed to be punished. I smirked as I opened the glove compartment and pulled out a large folding blade. I turned my attention to the blue vehicle that was parked a few cars ahead of me. A smile crept on my face as the man got out of the passenger’s side of the vehicle and slowly made his way into her house.

I shoved the blade in my pocket and slowly got out of the truck, quietly making my way over to that poor excuse of a vehicle. I quickly opened the driver’s door, making the unknown male jump in fright. “What’re you-“

I tightly grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his head against the steering wheel, rendering him unconscious. I chuckled and shut the driver’s door gently, and hummed a soothing tune as I made my over to her car. I opened the folding blade and knelt down on the passenger’s side and slashed both tires, on my way around the driver’s side the first floor windows shattered, the first floor engulfed in flames. I quickly crouched down to finish the two remaining tires that’s when I heard shouting and gunshots going off.

What the hell. I heard a door quickly open and a tall white male, covered in black bolting out the side door into the back yard. I took this as my cue to leave the scene.


Cass POV

Shawn ran into the room coughing. “Cass we need to get out of here now. The house is on fire!”

This couldn’t be happening. All the precious things that reminded me of Hailey were in this house, and it was all going to be taken away from me in a matter of minutes. “What about Hailey’s things?” I cried hysterically. “I just can’t leave them!”

“Cass, I’m sorry, but there’s no time. If we don’t leave now we’ll be burned alive.” He said frantically. He was right, there was no time, and the second floor was quickly filling with smoke, but if I had to leave, I knew there was one thing I couldn’t bring myself to get destroyed. “I need her baby books Shawn, please just let me get them!” I pleaded.

He gave me a skeptic look, but I knew it was crazy, but these books would be the only reminder I had of Hailey. To remind me she once existed in my life. “Tell me where they are?” He said quickly. I shook my head. “I’ll get them, your leg will slow you down, and you’ll have a hard time getting out. I’ll go.” I quickly ran to Hailey’s window and opened it, letting fresh air in. “Climb out through here and take a left, when you hit the end you’ll see some panel board you can climb down on.” I said quickly running to the hall only to have Shawn grab me by the arm pulling me back. “I’m not leaving without you.” He said seriously.

“Shawn, go. I’ll be right behind you.” I said pulling away from his grasp gently, him hesitating to let go. “Be quick Cass.” He said quietly.

I nodded in agreement. “I will, now go. That’s an order psychic.” I said, hurrying out of Hailey’s room.

When I reached the hall I couldn’t see a thing in front of me, not even the staircase. The bottom floor was illuminated in red, and smoke coming out in every direction. I stared coughing violently from the thick smoke and started to feel around. I came to the staircase and rushed downstairs and into the living room.

The sound of breaking glass met my ears. I reached the bookshelf and located Hailey’s baby books, as I went to grab them I suddenly stopped when I saw a flash through my peripheral vision. I slowly turned my head in the direction. There in the middle of the kitchen, was a black figure of a man staring at me. I slowly dropped my hands down to my side forgetting what my mission was and turned in the direction of the man. Shawn?

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