The Kidnapping Part 2 (Revised)

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The Kidnapping: Part 2 (Revised)

We quickly pulled up in front of Perez's residence and got out of the vehicle. Detective's Lassiter and O'Hara were first up the steps and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" A female voice said through the door.

"SBPD open up" Lassiter shouted.

I heard some whispering and a moment of silence. "He's going to run." I whispered to Shawn and Gus.

"How do you know?" Shawn asked with confusion.

"Let's just say its intuition." I said. I pulled my gun out of my holster and silently went around back. Sure enough as I turned the corner the suspect was fleeing from the back door. "Stop!" I shouted, beginning pursuit. "SBPD freeze!" I could hear Shawn and Gus shouting at Lassiter and O'Hara that I was in pursuit of the suspect.

"Freeze!" I shouted again. The suspect looked over his shoulder in fear and jumped on the chain link fence, climbing over with ease.  I smirked. So you're going to play like that, huh? Following his lead, I quickly climbed over the fence and landed on the other side with ease.

Adrenaline started coursing though me as I started to pick up the pace. Finally, I managed to catch up to Perez and tackle him onto the ground. I quickly got on top of him and placed my knees on his back to restrain him. "Stop resisting!" I gasped. When I managed to slap the cuffs on his wrists, I pulled up from off the ground. "That was really stupid, do you know that? What the hell were you trying to prove?" I growled.

"I'm innocent!" He yelled over and over.

I slightly tilted my head to the side and glared at him. "Are you now? Because that stupid little stunt you just pulled proves otherwise." I retorted.

Detectives Lassiter and O'Hara followed by a breathless Shawn and Gus were just making their way over to us. "Good work Detective." Lassiter said and grabbed the suspect, dragging him back to the car.

"Damn girl." Gus said, surprised.

"God, that was so hot." Shawn said quietly

"Not bad for your first day Detective." O'Hara said with a grin as she patted me on the back and quickly ran off after her partner.

Nodding, I dusted myself off and glanced over to Shawn and Gus. "What?" I said. "I told you he was going to run, didn't I. Don't look so surprised boys."

As we arrived back to Perez's residence, Lassiter opened the car to one of the units that just pulled up and threw Perez in the back, slamming the door. Our heads snapped in the direction of the house as the screen door flew open.

"Where are you taking my husband?" A woman yelled, running down the steps of her house.

"We're taking him into custody, for resisting arrest." I retorted. "He's also known as a possible suspect for kidnapping"

"You can't do this?!" She shrieked.

Sighing, I removed my badge from the waistband of my pants and flashed it to her, "Last I checked, I can." I said bluntly. "You might want to give his attorney a call."

I could hear the guys snicker from behind. "Let's go." I said, clipping my badge back on. "We're wasting our time here."


I stood behind the one way mirror in the interrogation room, skimming over Perez' criminal record while Detective's Lassiter and O'Hara interrogated Perez.

"Where were you yesterday around 7:30 A.M.?" Lassiter asked.

"I was at home. I called in to work to let them know I caught a minor stomach bug." He said with his head down.

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