Denial and an Apology

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It’s finally getting close to the end! So please, please show me some reviews. It would be nice to get a little more feedback. As usual enjoy. If I get enough reviews I’ll upload the next chapter before I go on vacation by the end of the week.

Chapter 19: Denial and an Apology.

Cass POV

 Charlie led us down to the cemetery basement. We walked down the dark steps until we came to a stop behind him. He pulled the draw string to the light fixture illuminating the room. The guys let out a tired sigh as they laid Mrs. Delgado on the cold cement floor.

“It’s not much, but hopefully this will do pup.” Charlie asked.

I smiled as I kneeled down to the unconscious woman. “This is perfect, thanks Charlie.”

I began searching through her pockets hoping to find anything useful that could help us in our investigation. As I pulled out the pocket flaps a few coins dropped rolling on the floor. Shawn kneeled down and picked up one of the coins, taking a hard look at the item shining it up to the light. “I’ve seen this before, but where?” He mumbled curiously.

I stood back up and walked over to Shawn, curious to what he was looking at. “Hey my father has a coin like that.” I said intrigued.

 I grabbed the coin from Shawn’s hand, inspecting it a little more. It was a sniper challenge coin. They were commonly collected by service members, but traditionally given to prove membership when challenged. I rubbed my fingers over the bronze coin. What I admired most about this coin was the hole that was precision drilled through it. It was in the shape of a rifle scope eyepiece with crosshairs installed.  I flipped it around to look at the back. I noticed a pin welded to the back of it. Suddenly Shawn pressed his fingers to his forehead.

 “Shawn?” I whispered.

“Why is he doing that?” Charlie asked amused.

“He’s Psychic.” Gus replied quickly. “He only does that when he getting a vision.”

Suddenly it looked as though he remembered something. “I ‘see’ it now. That night I was ran off the road, I saw something similar on our suspect’s jacket. The headlights reflected off of this giving off a blinding light.” Shawn’s face hardened. “I think our suspect might be someone who’s in the military and often specializes in marksmanship.” He said dropping his hands back down to his side.

I walked over to Mrs. Delgado and gave her a nudge with my foot. “Hey, it’s time to wake up.” I growled kneeling down to her. She groaned in protest, grudgingly she opened her eyes. I grabbed her by the arm sitting her up. “Where did you get this?” I asked showing her the coin.

She grimaced and instinctively tried to reach for her head, but she immediately realized she was bound. “Un-cuff me and I’ll tell you.” She said in discomfort.

“Not until you tell me what you know. Now I’ll ask again, where did you get this coin?” I asked.

She glanced at the coin then back at me. “You’re daughter and my husband’s deaths were no coincidence, it was all planned out.” She whispered.

“Planned, what’re you talking about?” I asked sternly.

She shook her head fiercely. “I-I can’t he’ll kill me!” She cried frantically. “He said if I ever told anyone about this, he would come back and kill me and my children.”

"Then why the hell call me all the way down here?" I hissed. “If you wanted to put a bullet in my head you had plenty of chances before now. You said you had information on my daughter. Now tell me who he is.”

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