The Kidnapping Part 1

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Detective Reed: POV

As we made our way back to the Chief’s office all I could think about was the conversation Shawn and I had. It kept repeating its self over and over in my head. Every second that passed in that room seemed like an eternity. Those eyes, those beautiful eyes, how I’ve longed to see them. Every time I looked at Shawn it reminded me of Hailey and it killed me.

Shawn and I entered the Chief’s office with me entering first and Shawn being the last one to enter the room, closing the door behind him. “Is everything alright?” The Chief asked.

“Yes, Ma’am just clearing up some misunderstandings.” I said.

“Good, now that’s settled take a seat and we’ll begin.” The Chief said her voice dripping with authority. “This morning we received a phone call from Mrs. Emerson stating her daughter went missing on her way to school.”

“Were there any witnesses?” Asked Lassiter

The Chief sighed and looked at Lassiter and then to us “The only witness we have is the victim’s friend. Apparently she went up ahead to greet her friends on the street corner and left the victim behind, she turned around to tell her to catch up, and she was gone.”

“Did she notice anything suspicious? Were they being followed?” O’Hara asked.

“Not that she saw, but I’ll leave the questioning up to you five. The victim’s and the witness’s address’ are located in the file. Detectives Lassiter and O’Hara you two will head down to the witness’s residence and Detective Reed, you, Shawn, and Gus will head over to the Victim’s Residence to receive their statements.” She said.

Detective Lassiter grabbed the manila folder off of the Chief’s desk and flipped though it handing me a piece of paper that had the victims address on it. “Thanks.” I mumbled.

“Normally under big circumstances I wouldn’t assign new comers to a case this serious on their first day Detective Reed. I’m sure you can handle it, can you not?” The Chief asked.

“Yes ma’am.” I said.

“Mr. Spencer, I hope you can assure me you and Mr. Guster will be on your best behavior with Detective Reed.” She asked.

“Chief, when are we not on our best behavior.” Shawn said dismissively

Lassiter scoffed at his remark, and O’Hara was shaking her head smiling. “Try not to let the two nitwits get out of hand; I at least hope you can promise me that rookie.” He grumbled

I glared at him. “Are you saying I don’t know how to do my job Detective Lassiter? Because I can assure you, I have plenty of experience with idiots.”  I said pointing my finger at him.

“Hey!” Shawn and Gus shouted in unison.

“That’s enough you two! You’re wasting time, now get going.” The Chief said giving us an agitated glare.

Lassiter mumbled something incoherent under his breath and turned to leave the room with O’Hara following closely behind. She looked over her shoulder and gave me an apologetic look. I gave her a soft smile and a quick nod.

“Yikes, Cass, you actually talked backed to the head detective…Nice” Shawn said pushing me out the door

“Well he made it sound like I didn’t know how to do my job. He might be higher rank and all, but I will not tolerate being talked down to like a child.” I retorted.

“Try not to let him get under your skin detective. He’s like that with most people. He’ll eventually warm up to you.” Gus said putting a hand on my shoulder.

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