Chapter 4- Flash of Two Worlds

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MacKenzie's POV

Today, Caitlin is still testing Jay. Jay's running on the treadmill, slowly, while Iris, Caitlin, and I stay outside of the treadmill room.

"His blood pressure is low, his heart rate is low, his oxygen levels are impressive." Caitlin says, looking at the computer.

"Yeah, but nothing compared to Barry's." Iris says.

"No, but he's certainly in the physical specimen range." Caitlin says.

"In more ways than one." Iris says.

"Hmm?" Caitlin asks. "Oh, I wasn't paying attention."

Then, Caitlin turns the speaker on.

"That's enough for today, Jay." She tells Jay through the speaker. "Thank you."

Jay slows to a stop on the treadmill and we're informed that Barry's back with evidence for something.

"Found it at the crime scene." Barry says as Cisco studies the sample. "I mean, it's gotta be from the metahuman that attacked me."

"Huh." Cisco says. "What is this stuff? Sand?"

"It's not sand." Jay says from the doorway of the cortex and we all look over. "It's human cells whose myosin II protein have migrated to the cell's periphery."

"Jay's a fellow science nerd." Caitlin says.

"Those cells have the ability to rearrange and harden, giving them the appearance of sand." Jay says, walking over to us.

"And how do you know this?" Barry asks.

"They belong to a metahuman I've fought before named Sand Demon." Jay says.

"I know you're new here, so I'm just gonna break it down for you." Cisco says, standing up and standing in front of Jay. "The whole 'naming the bad guys thing', that's my jam. But you know what? I'm gonna let you have that one cause I actually kinda like it. I'm not mad at that one. Is that Barry's sweatshirt?"

"Oh, uh, sorry." Iris says. "It was all we could find, so..."

"I was gonna say, cause it looks a lot smaller on you, right?" Cisco asks and then laughs. When no one laughs with him, he clear his throat and points to the sample in his hand. "I gotta do this thing." He starts to leave the cortex and then stops. "Mack."

"Coming." I say and I run over to him and we walk to his, well kinda our, lab.

Professor Stein was working on something on the whiteboard.

"Woah." I say when I walk in.

"Hey, beautiful mind, I think you need to take a breather." Cisco says, staring at the board.

"After some, uh, lengthy calculations, I believe I have discovered the key to proving the proposed breach theory." Stein says and Cisco puts the sand under the microscope. "Exotic matter."

Cisco looks up.

"Huh." Cisco says. "You mean, like, transdimensional energy?"

"Precisely." Stein says. "Exotic matter, transdimensional energy will theoretically leak from one universe into another." He explains by pointing to the board. I jump up on the desk and dangle my legs over the side as I listen to him. "Now, if this breach Mr. Garrick's talking about is real, if there is indeed a hole in our universe which leads to his earth..."

"We can make some adjustments and upload an electrophotography program to the STAR labs satellite and essentially photograph the exotic matter leak.

"Thereby giving us the locale of said breach." Stein says.

"Last time I saw the kit, it was in the fabrication room." Cisco says.

"I shall return." Stein says, getting ready to leave.

"Getting gooseys." Cisco says as Stein leaves, both excited.

"Wow." Is all I say.

"All right." Cisco says to himself. "Let's see what you're made of."

Cisco adjusts a setting on the microscope, and then he just stops for a second, like he was lost in space. Then, he grabs his head and his breathing is heavy.

"What's happening to me?" I hear Cisco whisper. "You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, fine." Cisco says, even though he knew I didn't believe him.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys liked that chapter. Sorry it was super shirt. Next chapter up MONDAY--it will be longer. 


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