Chapter 21- Legends of Today

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MacKenzie's POV

I'm sitting on the desk as Caitlin works on the computer next to me. Sudden;y, the computer starts beeping and Caitlin stands up.

"I think I did it." Caitlin says and Harry looks at the computer.

"What do you know, Snow? I think you did do it." Harry says.

"Velocity-6" Jay asks, walking into the cortex.

"Ah." Harry says.

"This is what was so urgent, Harrison? You get me to come here so I can take your speed drug?" Jay asks.

"That's right." Harry says.

"You knew about this." Jay says to Caitlin.

"Of course she did. She figured it out." Harry says.

"I thought this was to help Barry." Caitlin says.

"It is to help Barry, which is why we need to do test runs on subjects who once had the Speed Force in their system." Harry says.

"The Speed Force doesn't work like that." Jay says. "It's not something you can create in a lab."

"How do you think you became The Flash, Garrick?" Harry asks. "By me and a lab. Science is what did this to you, to Barry, to Zoom, and science is what we need to stop Zoom, and this is our only option."

"Find another one." Jay says. "The Speed Force can't be replicated or enhanced. It's a living thing. It's a gift that was given to me. That drug... you have no idea what it's gonna do. I'm not going to let another one of your experiments mess with me again, Harrison. You find someone else to be your guinea pig."

"Jay." Caitlin stops Jay from leaving.

"Caitlin, keep that serum away from Barry." Jay says.

"Where are you going?" Caitlin asks as Harry starts to leave.

"To pick up what we need." Harry says.

"Wait. Jay just said we shouldn't give it to Barry." Caitlin says.

"We're gonna do what we need." Harry says and he leaves.

Caitlin looks over at me.

"This isn't gonna go well." I say.


Caitlin and I watch Harry put the serum into the syringe.

"This isn't gonna go well." I repeat in a whisper.

"We can't use that serum on Barry." Caitlin says.

"That's up to him, isn't it?" Harry asks. "If Barry wants to stop Zoom, this is what he needs."

"Jay said it could hurt Barry." Caitlin says.

"Well, Jay's a coward." Harry says.

"Jay's a scientist who knows a lot about speedsters." Caitlin says.

"You're a scientist, Snow." Harry says. "And Ray, you're...something. Point is, you've both been watching Barry. You know he's nowhere near as fast as he needs to be. This other mentor, this other Harrison Wells, did not want him to reach his full potential... I do."

"You know, you're really starting to sound a lot like him." Caitlin tells Harry and she walks away leaving just me and Harry, or so I thought.

"Put your hands in the air." I hear and look over to see Patty with a gun pointed at Harry.

"Who are you?" Harry asks.

"You're under arrest. Doctor McGee was right. She did see you." Patty says, walking closer with the gun trained at Harry.

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