Chapter 38- Flash Back

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MacKenzie's POV

"It's coming!" Barry exclaims, scrambling on the floor of the cortex.

"Did you even go?" Caitlin asks.

"The Time Wraith." Barry says.

"That's a good name." Cisco says.

"Looks like that's a yes." I say.

"Did you figure out how to stop it?" Barry asks, standing up.

The wraith comes in and Cisco shoots it with the gun sorta thing we had built.

"Damn! We thought so!" Cisco exclaims. "Mack, what happened?"

"I don't know, the design was perfect!" I say.

The wraith passes us and goes over to Barry, knocking him on the floor.

"Barry!" Caitlin exclaims.

The wraith is killing him and I try to shoot my quakes at the wraith but I miss. Then the wraith gets shot.

"I suddenly realized." Hartley says with his gloves. "Low frequency, high intensity."

"I knew that." Cisco says.

"Oh, hey, Barry. How was your trip?" Hartley asks, helping Barry up.


"So aside from the fact that a Time Wraith came over here and nearly killed us, how did it go?" Cisco asks.

"It was interesting." Barry says.

"Good interesting or bad interesting? 'Cause that could go either way." Caitlin says.

"So far so... good." Barry says.

Hartley says something in Latin.

"How many times do we have to tell you, Hartley? Ever since Evil Wells got erased from existence, no one speaks Latin around here anymore." Caitlin says.

"Well, as always, it's been a pleasure working with you all on this little project. If you need anything in the future, call me. I'm off to a late dinner." Hartley says, walking to the doorway.

"Mm, dinner. Anyone special?" Caitlin asks.

"Very. My parents." Hartley says and he leaves.

"So? You got me on pins and needles over here. What about the speed equation" CIsco asks. "Did Wells tell you what you need to do?"

"Well, let's see." Barry says, pulling out flash drive thing.

We walk to Dr. Wells' time vault thing.

Barry puts the flash drive into the slot and nothing happens.

"Hmm. Maybe it's password protected?" Cisco asks.

"Oh... are you kidding me?" Barry asks. "After everything I just went through... this doesn't even work!"

Barry slams his hand on the table with the flash drive in it and then stuff pops up.

"Woah." I say.

"We got it." Barry says.


I walk into the cortex and see that Caitlin's on the computer.

"Hey, what're you working on?" I ask her, jumping on the desk next to the computer.

Caitlin turns the computer screen to face me.

"What is that?" I ask her, looking at the screen.

"It's Carmichael Elementary School." Caitlin says.

"No." I groan, laying my back on the desk.

"Barry went there." Caitlin tells me. "He actually suggested that you go there."

"But I don't need to go to school." I tell her, sitting up.

"Yes, you do." Caitlin says. "You need an education."

"But I can learn everything I need to from you and Cisco." I say.

"It's against the law not to go to school." Caitlin says.

"'s too dangerous." I tell her.

"How so?" Caitlin asks.

" quakes." I say. "What if they go off in school and I hurt someone?"

"Cisco is working with you on controlling them." Caitlin says. "By the time the new school year comes around, you'll have your quakes under control."

"Cait, I don't wanna go." I tell her.

"You have to go, it's what Ronnie would have wanted." Caitlin says. "Plus, you're already enrolled to start next year."

"No." I groan, laying on my back on the desk again.

"You're going to be fine, Mack." Caitlin says. "I promise."

I jump off the desk. Caitlin hands me a paper about the school and I crawl into my crawl space.

I look at the picture of Ronnie on my wall and hold up the piece of paper.

"Really, Ron?" I ask. "School?"


Hope you guys liked that chapter!! Sorry it was so short, I was gonna put the past part of the episode in but it go too confusing to write. 



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