Chapter 11- The Darkness and The Light

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MacKenzie's POV

Copy Dr. Wells is reading a book in the cortex and it's taking all my power not to punch him....or quakes. Cisco, Caitlin and I watch him with our arms crossed.

"Very strange to be holding your autobiography, especially when you didn't write it and it's not about you." Copy Wells says.

"Dr. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Mack Raymond, meet Dr. Harrison Wells from Earth-2." Barry introduces.

"Hi." Cisco says, very monotoned.

"Hi." Copy Wells replies.

"So let me get this straight. You're the doppelganger of the man who murdered his mom and is responsible for both Ronnie and Eddie's deaths?" Cisco asks and I look down.

"Yeah, but he's not even the doppelganger of the Dr. Wells that we knew because that Dr. Wells' body had been taken over by the Reverse Flash, who was really Eobard Thawne and Eddie's distant relative from the future." Caitlin says.

"Yeah, I didn't follow any of that. I'm my own man. I had nothing to do with the murder of your mother or your friend Ricky." Copy Wells says and my head shoots up to look at him.

"His name was Ronnie." I say.

"Him either." Copy Wells says and I look at Caitlin.

"You told me you have proof of your identity?" Barry asks.

"This almost hit me when I went through the portal." Copy Wells says, grabbing an object. "Your stabilized breach downstairs connects directly to the S.T.A.R. Labs on my Earth."

"Technically, this could be mine, but I want to run some tests on you." Cailtin says, grabbing the object.

"I'll be genetically indistinguishable from my Earth-1 counterpart. Your tests will reveal nothing." Copy Wells says.

"Great! Still gonna run 'em." Caitlin says.

"Be my guest." Copy Wells says.

Cisco grabs my hand and pulls me over so he can talk with Barry.

"Why are we even listening to him? How do we know he's not evil like the other guy?" Cisco asks in a sort of whisper.

"He saved my life last night." Barry says. "The question is why. I'm guessing you didn't travel between dimensions just to meet The Flash."

"That's exactly what I did. I came here to help you, Barry, to stop your greatest enemy." Copy Wells says.

"He already did that." Cisco says.

"I'm not talking about Reverse Flash. I'm talking about Zoom." Copy Wells says and Caitlin turns away. "I see you've already heard of him."

"Yeah, Zoom has been sending meta-humans from your world through the breaches to fight me." Barry says.

"Well, they're the symptoms. Zoom's the plague, one that's infected my world, and now he's coming for yours." Copy Wells says.

"What do you know about Zoom?" Barry asks.

"Everything." Copy Wells simply says. "I created Zoom. I'm responsible for all the Earth-2 meta-humans, a fact I've ignored for far too long, but now I'm doing something about it." He finishes, loading up his gun thing.

"Yeah, well, we're batting a thousand against these breachers." Cisco says.

"You're batting a thousand, Crisco?" Copy Wells asks.

"What's your sample size? Ten? Less? Zoom is obsessed with speed. He will never allow there to be another speedster in the multiverse, and he's gonna keep sending these metas here, one after the next, all with the same goal: to kill The Flash unless we stop him together." Copy Wells says.

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