Chapter 26- Training

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MacKenzie's POV

I tap my fingers anxiously against the armrest on the passenger side of the STAR labs van as Cisco drives me and him to the air strip.

I look out the window as the road passes beneath the car.

"We're here." Cisco says after stopping. "You ready?"

I look at the air strip and then at him and hesitantly nod my head.

"Come on, you'll be fine." Cisco says with a smile.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask, my voice wavering.

"Cause I have faith in you." Cisco says. "I'll meet you out there."

Cisco opens his door and climbs out of the van. I watch him walk away as I say a quick prayer and then I sigh, unbuckle my seat belt and jump down out of the car.


I'm not wearing anything special, just a blue t-shirt, ripped jeans and my converse.

Cisco hooks a wire to each side of my head and clicks a few buttons on his tablet.

"Alright, I know you're familiar with this programming. It's to monitor your vitals." Cisco tells me and I nod.

"Okay." I say.

"Whenever you're ready." Cisco tells me and I nod. Cisco backs up a few steps and

I close my eyes and try to concentrate. I'm not really sure what Cisco expects to happen, it's not like my powers have an on and off switch. After a few seconds, I open my eyes and look at Cisco, shrugging my shoulders.

"What happened?" Cisco asks me.

"I dunno." I say.

"Quake." Cisco tells me.

"I don't know how." I tell him.

"You've quaked before." Cisco says.

"Yea, but not intentionally." I say.

"Just try." Cisco says.

"Cisco, I don't know how." I tell him.

"Hold on a second." Cisco says and he puts his phone up to his ear and whispers so quietly into it I can't hear.

Then, before I knew what was happening, a flash of lightning speeds in a circle around me, startling me and my quakes go off.

My quakes start small and I get nervous of the lightning getting closer to me, so my quakes get a little stronger.

The lightning around me slows to a stop, but my quakes don't.

"That was cold, Barry." I tell him, looking up and seeing Barry next to Cisco.

"Sorry, he made me." Barry says, pointing to Cisco.

"It got your quakes started." Cisco says. "Now, close your eyes and concentrate. Try and stop your quakes."

I close my eyes for a few seconds and then open them again.

"I can't stop them." I tell them.

"Yes you can, try again." Cisco says.

"I can't!" I exclaim, my quakes getting stronger.

"Mack, listen to me!" Cisco says and I look at him. "Focus. Concentrate. Close your eyes and imagine your quakes stopping."

I close my eyes and try.

"I can't!" I say again, opening my eyes.

"Yes you can!" Barry says. "Mack, you gotta get out of your own head. You've gotta trust yourself enough to do this. So do it!"

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