Chapter 28- The Reverse-Flash Returns

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MacKenzie's POV

"You okay, Bar?" Joe asks Barry. Barry is leaning on the desk in front of where I'm sitting, staring into space.

"I'm good, yeah. It's just a lot." Barry says.

"Eddie Thawne died, so Eobard Thawne should have been erased out of existence, right?" Joe asks.

"Not necessarily. It's possible Eobard was in the Speed Force, protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive and his time line intact." Harry says. "It's what's known as a 'time line remnant'."

"A what now?" Joe asks.

"Here, let me... show you." Harry says, walking over to the white board and drawing a diagram to show us. "This? This... is now. Here, today."He draws a circle. "This is the time Thawne comes from." Another circle. "This is the moment you all erased him from existence, but since Thawne is from the future, this is where his time line begins." Another circle. "That's why he's still alive. This Thawne has not yet traveled back in time to kill Barry's mother. He's here now in this time period for the first time. 'Time line remnant.'"

"Explains why nothing's changed." Cisco says.

"Yeah, it also explains why he didn't know my name or that we have met before." Barry says.

"To him, you hadn't. Not until the future." Harry says.

"If Thawne dies before he can time travel again, will that save Barry's mother?" Joe asks.

"No. That's not how it works." Harry says. "In our time line, Barry's mother is already dead, and her death is a fixed point. Nothing can change that."

"All right, well, I'm gonna end this, him, in this time once and for all." Barry says.

"Let's find Dr. McGee, then we'll figure out what to do about Thawne, okay?" Joe suggests. "I got to go check on Iris." He says before leaving.

"Ramon, Ray." Harry says and Cisco and I get up to follow him.


Cisco and I watch Harry fix Cisco's goggles.

"So what did you do to my goggles?" Cisco asks.

"I added a wavelength trigger to stimulate the fear receptors in your brain." Harry says. "Then I took what you already had to induce slow-wave sleep, upgraded it to get you to stage-four sleep."

"Is this safe?" I ask.

"This is good." Harry says. "This will give us more control."

"Okay." Cisco says.

"Now I'll be able to dictate how long you vibe for." Harry says and he hands the goggles to Cisco. "Put 'em on."

"What am I gonna see?" Cisco asks.

"I don't know. Never done this before. You'll have to tell me so I can steer you where you need to be." Harry says. "Ramon, you want to find Reverse-Flash, put on the goggles."

"Okay." Cisco says and he takes the goggles from Harry.

"Attaboy." Harry says.

Cisco sits down on a stool and I stand next to Harry.

"Go ahead." Harry says and Cisco puts the goggles on and powers them on.

"Oh-ho-ho, yeah, man. I'm in full-on vibe mode right now." Cisco says.

"What do you see?" Harry asks.

"It's hard to explain." Cisco says. "It's different events. Different events in time."

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