Chapter 51- The Race of His Life

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MacKenzie's POV

Zoom killed Henry last night.

We stand at a graveyard with Henry's coffin about to go into the ground.

It's raining and Cisco, Caitlin and I are sharing an umbrella.

"And comfort us today with the word of your promise as we return our brother to the earth, and leave us with the hope that, one day, we'll meet again." A priest guy says.

Barry steps forwards.

"Um... my father's... " Barry chokes. "I can't do this right now."

"It's okay, Barry." Iris says.

"Henry Allen." Joe says. "Henry suffered two great losses in his life. He lost his wife, Nora, and he lost Barry. He suffered guilt, embarrassment, ridicule, shame, and everything that comes with being blamed for a crime he didn't commit. Henry Allen was proof that love can get you through the darkest of days, and that love will keep him alive in all of our hearts."

Barry grabs a rose from the vase and kneels down to the coffin and puts the rose on the coffin.

"I'm gonna find him, Dad." Barry says. "I promise you I'm gonna take from him what he took from you."


We go to the West house afterwards.

Barry is standing by the window and talking to Wally.

The rest of us are at the table, eating.

Well, everyone else is eating. I prop my elbow up to rest my head on my hand and move my food around with my fork.

Zoom's words still ring in my head. 'I'll be back for you later, quake.' What is that even supposed to mean? Why would he want me?

"Guys." Barry says, walking over and snapping me out of my thoughts. "Zoom's still out there. We need to come up with a plan."

"The man can crack open breaches to Earth-2." Cisco says. "I mean, if he can do that, what else can he do that we don't know about?"

"Right after he killed his time remnant, he told me I was 'almost ready.'" Barry says.

"Almost ready for what?" Iris asks.

"I don't know." Barry says.

"Yep. Classic psychopath. Why can't they ever just say what they want to do?" Cisco asks. "We also have to figure out why I keep vibing Earth-2 being ripped to shreds."

"Seriously." Joe says.

"It's like I'm watching Transformers in 4-D, but, like, ten times more realistic and with much better acting." Cisco says.

"Look, if you can vibe the future, we need to stop Zoom before that happens." Joe says.

"I'm gonna get some air, all right?" Barry says and then he walks out of the house.

"I got it." Iris says.

Iris gets up and leaves and Cisco looks over at me next to him.

"Eat." Cisco says, pointing to my plate.

"Not hungry." I say, shrugging and putting my fork down.

Cisco nods and the others carry on a conversation that I don't pay attention to.


"So Zoom wants to race you?" Jesse asks after Barry had told us what happened last night. I sit cross legged on the ground of the cortex.

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