Chapter 32- Escape From Earth-2

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MacKenzie's POV

"Up after the break, earthquake-causing meta-human leaves citizens shaken and wondering, where is The Flash?" The news reporter on the tv says as Jay and I walk in. I wipe my dirty hands on my jean short overalls as I look at the tv.

"At least it isn't me." I say, looking at all the damage from the meta's quakes.

"It's finished. " Jay says. "Thanks to Mack helping out, the breach stabilized again. Barry, Cisco, and Wells have 20 hours to get back."

"You're amazing." Caitlin says.

"When it comes to stabilizing breaches, maybe... not so much when it comes to fighting meta-humans." Jay says.

"You were a little rusty." Caitlin says.

"I was too slow." Jay tells her. "Geomancer's still out there, Caitlin. He has to be stopped. I have to be ready in case he attacks again. How much longer till the Velocity..."

"8." Caitlin says.

"Velocity-8 is ready?" Jay asks.

"I need to finalize the compound... make sure the extracellular matrix stays intact so you don't lose your speed as fast." Caitlin says.

"Okay, great." Jay says and Caitlin looks nervous. "What is it?"

"After your last encounter with Geomancer, I ran some tests. The Velocity-7 is reacting with the damaged cells in your body. It's causing more cellular degeneration." Caitlin says.

"Well, I have faith that the next batch won't do the same thing." Jay says.

"Jay, I can't keep giving this to you if it's hurting you." Caitlin tells him.

"If it'll help me defeat Geomancer, you might have to. Till Barry gets back, I may be the only chance this city has." Jay says.


Caitlin and Jay talk in the medbay glass room in the cortex.

I sit on the desk in the cortex, facing the doorway when I see Iris walk in.

"Hey." Iris says, not very happy.

"Hey, Iris. You okay?" Jay asks, walking over to her.

"Yeah, I'm just a little worried about the time." Iris tells him.

"Well, don't worry." Jay says. "They'll make it back before we close the breach."

"Um, actually I was here to talk to you about something else." Iris says.

"Oh. Yeah, sure. What is it?" Jay asks.

"Well, my new editor wants me to write a scathing article on The Flash not being able to protect Central City from Geomancer." Iris says.

"Really?" Jay asks.

"Yeah. I was hoping to write an article about you instead... something that would calm people until Barry got back." Iris says.

"You know, Iris, I don't know if that's the best idea." Jay says.

"Well, I think that if people knew that there was someone that could protect them, it would... it would really help." Iris says. "Would you just think about it?"

An alarm goes off and I jump off the desk and start typing on the computer.

"Some crazy alarm's going off." Jay says.

"Yeah." Iris says.

I pull up something on the tv screens all around the cortex and we watch.

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