Chapter 24- Potential Energy

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MacKenzie's POV

I'm in Cisco and mine's workroom with Harry at the board figuring out equations. I'm sitting on my table, rewiring some old circuits when I heard a bunch of stuff fall.

I look up and see that Harry had pushed stuff off of the desk next to him.

Cisco walks in the door.

"Hey... no!" Cisco says. "Absolutely not! You don't get to throw somebody else's stuff when you're pissed off." Harry throws some more stuff. "Thank you. What is this?" He asks, referring to the whiteboard.

"Wrong answers." Harry says erasing the math on the board.

"Maybe you're asking the wrong questions." Cisco says.

"What does that mean?" Harry asks.

"I've been thinking about this a lot recently. We keep trying to come up with ways to make Barry faster, but I still think we can figure out a way to make Zoom slower." Cisco says.

"We tried that already, remember? Those darts didn't slow him down at all." Harry says.

"Yeah, I know... I'm not talking about the darts, okay?" Cisco says. "The darts clearly didn't work. They just pissed him off. I'm talking about something else... a way we can steal Zoom's speed."

Harry freezes.

"How?" Harry asks.

"The Turtle." Cisco says. "Come on." He says, holding his hand out to me. I grab his hand and jump off the table and we go to the cortex with Harry behind us.


"As some of you may well know, I've been deeply embroiled in a secret, one-sided battle with an invisible enemy." Cisco says in the cortex with Barry, Caitlin, Jay, Harry and me.

"No, not the Turtle again." Caitlin says.

"What? What is the... Or who is the Turtle?" Barry asks.

"It's Cisco's white whale." Caitlin says.

"Half whale, half turtle." Jay says.

"No. Do you see what you're doing, Caitlin? Everybody's confused now." Cisco says.

"Get to it." Harry says.

"I stumbled upon a few of these cases when we were looking for the Reverse Flash, robberies that were seemingly committed at high speed... people holding their beloved items one second. Those items were gone the next. Tell me what you see." Cisco says, pointing to the screen.

"So he can... what? Stop time?" Caitlin asks.

"No, no, no. Look at the time code. It's still running." Cisco says.

"Yeah, okay. So if he's not stopping time, what is he doing?" Barry says.

"He's slowing down everything around him." I say with a smile. That's kinda cool.

"And that is why we call him the Turtle." Cisco says.

"Why have you never mentioned this guy to me before?" Barry asks.

"Oh, I don't know, I think we've just been a little distracted, you know, what with Captain Cold and the Weather Wizard and Gorilla Grodd. Do I need to go on?" Cisco asks.

"Okay, so if we can catch him, figure out how he uses his powers..." Jay trails off.

"Maybe we can show Zoom what life is like in the slow lane." CIsco finishes.

"How would you even know where to find him?" Harry asks.

"Well, the robberies in the videos all correspond with police reports that were dismissed as lost or missing items instead of thefts." Barry says.

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