Chapter 25- Potential Energy

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MacKenzie's POV

We're sitting in the STAR labs van, me with my computer and Cisco with his computer, each of us on the security feeds. I'm sitting in the back cause Cisco called shotgun before I had a chance too and a 12 year old driving almost gave Harry a heart attack.

"Cisco, are you, Mack and Harry in position?" Caitlin asks through the comms.

"I'm the security feed." Cisco replies. "Mack and I've got the facial recognition software running, so we'll be able to spot Turtle before he makes his move."

"Turtle." Harry says. "Why do you insist on giving them ridiculous nicknames?"

"Me?" Cisco asks. "Who's the genius that came up with 'Zoom'?"

"Yeah, well... I'll tell you, about two years ago... this is on Earth-2, now." Harry says. "The CCPD there... they got a 911 call about a hostage situation, but when the SWAT team got there, there were no hostages. It was a trap. Zoom set a trap in order to show the police that they could not stop him. And he killed 14 officers. Men and women. Slaughtered them. Left one alive to tell what happened. That officer described blue lightning "zooming" all about as his comrades, brothers and sisters in arms, were murdered. That officer... considered himself to be a lucky one, spared in order to tell the tale. Until Zoom went to his house that night and killed him too. Anyway, that's how he got the nickname 'Zoom'." We're silent as he tells the story.

"If you ever need me to Vibe... so you can know if she's still alive..." Cisco trails off.

"She's alive." Harry says.

"Right." Cisco says.

I click through all the angles of the security feed as we sit in silence.

Then, I see something. Or someone. Turtle.

"Hey, Cisco." I say, sitting up in my chair a little and he looks back at me. "Camera 4." I say.

Cisco clicks until he sees Camera 4's feed on his screen.

"We've got eyes on Turtle." Cisco says through the comms.

Cisco and I watch as Turtle stops time.

"Are you as fast as the Flash?" I hear Patty say.

"Oh, no. He is much slower." Barry says in his suit.

"This is a trap? I'm slow... not stupid." Turtle says.

Turtle slows time again and shoots the chandelier with his gun.

The chandelier right about Patty.

"Oh, God, please save her, Barry." I whisper, watching Barry speed towards Patty in slow motion.

Barry pushes Patty out of the way just in time and Jay and Caitlin grab and drag Barry out.


"Your pupils are normal." Caitlin says as she check Barry in the cortex. "Your heart rate's a little low. But other than that, no concussive symptoms."

"I really do feel fine." Barry says. "What about Turtle?"

"No sign of him." Jay says.

"Or the painting." Jay says. "He, uh, must have gotten away with it in the chaos."

"Yeah, things went a little sideways after your girlfriend decided to go all 'Lethal Weapon' 1 through 4 on Turtle." Cisco says.

"Oh, my God. Patty's gonna think I ditched her. I... no, I got to go." Barry says.

"Where are you... finding Turtle is what's important right now." Harry says.

"Yeah, uh, this is important to me too." Barry says, walking out.

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