Chapter 22- Running to a Stand Still

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MacKenzie's POV

"I was thinking that if we could inject an unstable neutrino burst into the individual breaches, it might cause them to seal on their own." Jay says as him and Caitlin stand around a computer screen. Cisco and I lean against the doorway, watching them.

"And stop Zoom from travelling back and forth between our worlds." Caitlin says.

"At least then we wouldn't have to worry about him sending any more meta-humans over for Barry to fight." Jay says.

"It means a lot." Caitlin says.

"What does?" Jay asks.

"You looking after Barry." Caitlin says. "He's been through a lot the last few weeks."

"Barry's not the only person here I want to keep safe." Jay says, turning to look at Caitlin.

"Oh, dear Lord, just kiss already." Cisco groans. "Oh, the thirst is real."

"Is everything all right?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah, we keep checking, but all is quiet on the meta-human front." Cisco says. "Hey, you think Zoom decided to take Christmas off?"

"What's Christmas?" Jay asks.

"For real?" I ask.

Cisco and I walk into the cortex as Caitlin walks in with Jay, explaining.

"Oh, well, it's this holiday we have where we cut down trees and sing songs to celebrate the birth of a baby 2,000 years ago, and then the Romans killed him so we give each other gifts..." Caitlin trails off.

"That's your explanation?" I ask her.

"I know what Christmas is." Jay says.

"Oh, right, of course." Caitlin says. "Um, you know, Joe and Barry and Iris are having people over for Christmas Eve, and they said we could invite whoever we want."

"Who... who do you want?" Jay asks.

"You." Caitlin says. "I want to invite you, I mean."

"This is so painful." Cisco says.

"I can't watch anymore." I say, covering my eyes with my hands.

"Have you guys seen Harry?" Cisco asks.

"Uh, no, I have not." Caitlin says. "I told him to rest. He's just as stubborn as all the rest of my male patients in this place."

"I'm gonna leave you two alone, okay?" Cisco asks.

"Take me with you." I plead.

"Come on, Mack." Cisco says and I walk over with him to the doorway. "We're gonna go find Harry. Holy Hannah!" Cisco says as we come face to face with Harry. "Hi."

"Hi." Harry says.

"Everything okay?" Cisco asks.

"Sure. Why wouldn't it be?" Harry asks and he walks away. I give Cisco a look.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Cisco laughs a little.


The next day, Barry had told us something about a few criminals teaming up or something, I don't really remember.

"Oh, yeah. The Weather Wizard, Captain Cold, and the Trickster." Cisco says, laughing.

"There's three of them and one of you. I do not like those odds." Caitlin says.

"And I'm gonna be no help without my speed, so..." Jay says.

"Oh, oh, light bulb up here." Cisco says, pointing to the top of his head. "I have an idea. Most weather phenomena are marked, no pun intended, by the change of electric charge and pressure in the atmosphere. We could just map out those fluctuations..."

"To pinpoint his location." Barry says.

"Right, it would just be a matter of removing all..." Cisco says.

"The electricity from his immediate surroundings." Barry says and I look at him.

"Attracting it to one spot." Cisco and Barry both say.

"The same way a lightning rod does." Cisco says. "Only instead of a lightning rod, we could use..."

"A wand?" Barry asks.

"Have we already had this conversation?" Cisco asks.

"Kind of." Barry says.

"What does that mean?" Harry asks.

"All right, so the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City." Barry says.

"So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?" Harry asks.

"Earth-2 has "The Godfather"?" Cisco asks.

"Every Earth has "The Godfather," Vito.]" Cisco says.

"So I ran back through time." Barry says. "One day into the past and I got a do-over and I stopped Mardon before he could hurt anyone."

"You shouldn't have messed with the timeline." Harry says.

"That's what the other Wells said." Barry says. "So the good news is, in that timeline, you and Mack created The Wand and it worked. So you just got to do it again. For the first time."

"Yeah, no pressure." Cisco says.

"I can give you a hand." Jay says.

"Best of both worlds?" Cisco asks.

"I like that." Jay says.

"Let's go, Mack." Cisco says and I follow them out.


"Merry Christmas, kiddie-winks. I'm back!" The Trickster says on the screen of like everywhere. Man, I hate this guy, he freaks me out. "Citizens, you know, the holidays can be a time for gentle reflection on the year past. Our ups and downs, our triumphs and heartaches, but don't forget, it can also be a time for disemboweling our enemies."

"We don't have a Trickster on Earth-2." Jay says.

"He's one of a kind." Caitlin answers.

"My stocking won't be completely stuffed until it's filled to the brim with bloody Flash parts." The Trickster says.

"Ew." I say.

"So what do you say, speed freak? Want to roast chestnuts?" The Trickster asks.

"Are there any clues as to where he is based on the video?" Barry asks.

"None that I can see." Cisco says.

"Guys, there's a reflection of something in his cornea, see?" Jay says.

"What is that?" Barry asks as Cisco zooms in on the image.

"Not sure." Caitlin says.

"That's Mr. Jiggle Wiggle." Harry says.

"Come again?" Cisco asks.

"It's a doll. A stuffed children's toy. I gave one to my daughter when she was six." Harry says.

"Mr. Jiggle Wiggle was manufactured by Okamura Toys... Yahtzee!" Cisco says. "Okamura once had a shipping facility in Central City that shut down four years ago; it's been abandoned ever since. What if Weather Wizard's there?"

"The wand's not finished." I say.

"The Trickster is." Barry says.


Hope you guys liked that chapter. Any comments? Don't forget to vote. Sorry the chapter was short, any episodes with the Trickster in them kinda freak me out. Next chapter up SUNDAY


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