CHAPTER 1: Disowned

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(I'm posting the first chapter only, to show the mood of the story. I'm ONLY updating this chapter ONLY. Tell me what you think. If you like it, I'll start on this book, at the same time as I'm writing SKRILL. So I'll be writing 2 at the same time.
I'm doing the same with See You Tommorow. If you like it, and not this one, then I'll write that book, with SKRILL. Enjoy:))
5 years ago...

Stoick closed the book, which he had been reading to his son, Hiccup.
He stood up from the chair which was beside the boys' bed, pulling the bear furred blanket up to the child's chin.
Hiccup smiled warmly.
"Yes,Hiccup?" Stoick asked quietly.
"Where... where'd mom go?"
The viking tensed for a second, before smiling sadly, "She's...with all the good vikings far away."
Hiccup looked around in confusion.
"Wh-where's that?"
Stoick chuckled lightly, "In Valhalla. You'll.... you'll see her soon. One day. Goodnight son."
The chief walked towards the door, and slipped outside, but before he could close the wooden door he heard,
He stopped in his tracks, and peaked inside his son's room.
"Dad?" Hiccup called again.
"Yeah?" Stoick whispered, a small smile on his face.

"...I love you."


Hiccup fell hard onto the hard concrete floor, as Stoick tossed him inside the empty dark Great Hall, carelessly as if his son were a rag doll.
"I should have know. I should have seen the signs..!"
Stoick muttered, strolling past the boy, who was recovering quickly.
"D-Dad? Dad I-"
"We had a deal!" The Viking shouted, ignoring the boys calls.
"Dad, I-I- I know Dad but- that was before I...oh this is all so messed up." Hiccup stammered, running his fingers through his thick auburn hair, in deep stress.
Stoick whipped his head to look down towards his son, "So everything in that ring...a trick?! A lie!" He boomed, speaking the words as though they were venom.
Hiccup flinched at every word.

Hiccup had previously had been attacked in the killing ring, by a monsterous nightmare which he had to kill. But the boy had a plan to tame the dragon in front of all the vikings, to show that they weren't truly monsters. But it didn't go as well as he planned.
And in return, Toothless, his now locked up best friend, had saved his life by fighting off the dragon. Hiccup tried to get his dragon to safety, but that didn't end so we'll either...

"Dad, no- I know this looks bad but I-I..look take this out on me- be mad at me- but please! Just don't hurt, Toothless." He pleaded, his voice cracking at the thought of his father ending his only friend's life.
"The dragon?!" Stoick spat, turning back to glare down hard at his son.
"That's what you're worried about!? Not the people you almost killed!?!" He yelled, inching towards the shrinking boy in front of him.
"He-he- he was just protecting me! He's not dangerous!"
"They've killed, HUNDREDS OF US!"
"And we've killed thousands of them!" Hiccup shouted back.
He'd do anything to defend the dragons.

"They defend themselves, that's all!"
Stoick glared in hatred at the boy before anger began fuming, and he began to pace. He knew this boy wouldn't listen.
He never does!
"They raid us because they have to! If they don't bring enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves! There's something else on their island, Dad! Its- it's like a dragon like-!"
"Their island!? So you've been to the nest?" Stoick said, cutting the boy short.
"Did-did I say nest-?" Hiccup stammered.
"How did you find it?!" He shouted, walking towards his son, who was backing away in panic.

Hiccup didn't know what to do now.
It was either tell him or not.
The boy stopped, and his fearful green eyes soon fell into a glare as he looked up at his father.
"I'm not telling you." He said simply.
Stoick's face turned red in frustration.
"Tell me boy!!!" He said, snatching him up by the neck of his tunic, and holding him up at eye level.
The boy's eyes widened slightly, as he gripped his father's massive hands.
"No!" He croaked, as he began panic again.
The chief growled in frustration, before tossing the boy hard, and his small body hit the wall hard, causing a loud Yelp to be heard from him.
Stoick huffed, before turning on his heels, and sauntering towards the doors, hearing the traitors pained coughing.
He ignored.
He was gonna get to the nest how ever he can, even if he had to kill Hiccup's beast to get it out of him.
"D-Dad! Where are you going?!" The boy called, as he began running after the larger Viking.
"To find that nest. Then kill your, beast." He growled.
Hiccup froze in fear.
"W-what? No! No, Dad you can't do that!"
"Enough, Hiccup! You've embarrassed me enough today." He said, nearing the door.
"Dad, please!" He called, but his father only ignored his cries.
"For once in your life, would you please just listen to me!?" He shouted, grabbing hold of the man's arm, only to be jerked away hard, making him fall on to the stone cold floor.
Hiccup's breathing hitched as he stared up in pure shock and fear at his father, who slowly turned to him, giving him a cold glare.

"You've thrown your lot in with them." he hissed.
Hiccup couldn't do anything, except stare up in disbelief and accept the insults.
But nothing prepared him for this one..
"You're not a Viking." Stoick growled.
"You're not my son.." and he turned, hurrying away to the door before his real anger got the best of him, and he slammed the door shut, leaving his son only to let out a breath in pure shock.
"Ready the ships!" He yelled, as he left the Great Hall.
He regerted not a single word he said to the traitor.
He never wants to face that boy again.


Hiccup let out a breath, before he processed what had just happened.
He realized that he not only lost his best friend...
But also a father.
Tears slowly started rolling down his cheek, as he shakingly stood onto his feet, leaning against the wall for support.
But he only took two steps forward before he collapsed onto the ground, and began sobbing quietly.

"Dad..?" Hiccup called.
"Yeah.." Stoick whispered, a small smile on his face.
"...I love you..."
The Viking stared for a moment.
It's not every day that a Viking says I love you to another viking.
But he only smiled back at the sleepy boy before opening his mouth.

"I love you too, son."

Hiccup's sleepy face lit up, and he hopped off his bed, and jumped into his father's arms,
both giving each other a warm embrace.

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