CHAPTER 8: Pain and Shock

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HEY MY WONDERFUL PEOPLES! PLEAAAASE CHECK OUT JenniferTjandrajana 's BOOKS!!! They are amazing. Including the httyd and httyd/ rotg modern books. Do it. Or have nightmares for a month- jk!
Just check them out.:)
It won't hurt you.:D (but I will-jk)
Love you guys, and enjoy this chapter.

"Alright lad. Whats bothering yeh?" Gobber asked, as Hiccup sat on the table.
"Nothing! I didn't even say anything was wrong!" Hiccup protested.
"Yes, but your body language did."
Stoick butted in, as getting closed the door behind him and Toothless.
The night fury instantly embraced his curiosity, as he immediately began sniffing the air, and observing the shelves of herbs and other medical supplies.
"Toothless! Down!" The chief hissed, as Gothi entered the room.

The healer looked from Stoick to Gobber, and they both pointed fingers to the boy, making her nod and shuffle over to him.
Gothi began scribbling on the sand on the floor with her staff, while Gobber began mumering from behind her shoulder.
"Eh...she says what's bothering yeh."
"Oh for the love of thor- nothing is wrong with me, in fine." Hiccup said, trying his best to keep calm.
"And stop calling me that! I'm not your son!"
Something poked the boys back, and he yelped, jolting up to sit up straight, his eyes wide in pain.
Toothless instantly turned away from almost licking a jar, and his attention turned to face the woman who hurt his rider, growling- only to get whacked by the staff on the head.
Gothi shooed him away, which he did gladly, his ears drooping while giving her a scowl.

"Ha, still just as stubborn as you, eh Stoick?" The blacksmith laughed, Hiccup glaring at them.
"You see? I knew you were in pain. Now, let's get that cloak and tunic off of you, shall we-?"
"No!" Hiccup yelped, hopping off the table, backing away with his eyes wide.
The chief was instantly alarmed.
"Hiccup. We just want to help you," he said in a softer tone.
Hiccup hesitated, shaking his head wildly, but his back made contact with the wall, and he hissed at the pain.
Stoick saw that he was distracted, and he instantly leapt towards his son, and got a hold of the bottom of his tunic, ripping it off over his head.
They both fell backwards, the chief hitting his head, but he instantly looked up as he heard the boy scream in pain.

"Hiccup!" He instantly ran to his side, and helped him into the table.
Hiccup didn't fight back this time, as he sat on the table, giving the Viking a terrified look, his green eyes showing pain.
"Stoick," Gobber whispered, his eyes wide. He was standing with the boys exosed to him and Gothi.
Stoick glanced at his friend for a moment, then back at his son.
"M...may I?"
Hiccup stared for a long moment, breathing deeply, until he swallowed and nodded.
The chief nodded back, before going to stand with Gobber, and his eyes immediately widened as he shocked and horrified.

Scars. Deep battered purple looking scars were scattered all over Hiccup's back, from his shoulders to his waist. Blood was slowly ozzing out of some, most were infected, as they looked like they've been there for months...
Stoick's breathing increased, as he thought of what could have caused this.
He glanced at the night Fury, who only whimpered and backed away, seeming deeply disturbed and afraid.
But of what..?
The chief gulped, as he raised an arm, and gently traced one of the older looking scars instantly feeling his son tense.

Stoick slowly faced his son again, who's face showed deep guilt and fear. The Viking forward his brows before asking, "W-who did this to you, Hiccup?" His voice was bearly above a whisper. The boy looked up slightly from under his bangs, and closed his eyes.
He didn't want to show emotion.
At all.
He didn't want to be seen as weak, as a coward, or anything!
"My commander..." Hiccup mumbled, letting out a breath as he looked down at his lap in defeat.
Stoick glanced around at Gothi, who also looked confused.
The chief grabbed hold of the boy's forearms gently.
He didn't want to scare away his son.
Not again.
No matter what had happened to the bright boy he once knew, he still wanted him home.
He wanted to start over.
Even if the boy had any trace of memory of him at all, or not.

"And...who might that be, lad?" He asked gruffly.
The dragon rider sat up slightly, glancing at Toothless who growled.
"His name....his name is Ansgar." He breathed, as he felt something cool making contact with his back, and he looked behind his shoulder to find the small healer tending to his old scars.
Hm... perhaps these people aren't so bad as he thought....?

"Toothless and I, we somehow crashed onto their island about...five years ago- I think?-"
"five years!? FIVE?! So you're telling me, that you've had to deal with that- that- that monster for five whole years!?" The chief boomed.
Hiccup nodded quickly.
"And...Ansgar took us in! He told us we were welcomed to stay for as long as we like...but then when we did want to leave...he had other plans." He said, his voice lowering a bit.
"He said that we now belong to him, and his group of....I dunno crazy vigilante spies- I dunno he began training us. Me and Toothless. For three years. We always tried to escape, but we'd just get beaten and thrown back into a cell. And....soon I just gave up. It was always the same. Train until your back breaks from dawn until dusk! Whippings. Beatings. Training. Sleep. Repeat. It was like this ever day. Three years." Hiccup was now staring blankly at the floor, his eyes glassy and unfocused, his voice cold.
The night fury gently plopped his large head onto his brother's lap.
Stoick shared disturbed and sorrowful looks with Gobber and Gothi, who had finally finished tending to his scars, and was now wrapping a thin white cloth around his torso, with one starp going over his left shoulder. The boy didn't even flinch.
"On our fourth year, we started training for combat, and the beatings became more brutal if we messed up. I'm surprised I'm still even alive after all the mistakes ive done..." He choked.
The chief let out a long heavy sigh, sitting down on a wooden chair burring his face into his hands.
He realized how much pain and suffering his son had gone through...for five years...
and where was he?
I did this....
But anger also boiled inside of him, wanting revenge on this man.. Ansgar...he will pay a very painful price for ever landing a hand on his son.
"And so began our missions the following year. I learned that Ansgar wants to conquer the weak, became the most feared viking and he wants revenge on all islands who had dismissed his peace treaty. So me and Toothless has been....spying and disposing islands this year. We've destroyed about twenty already...and...that's the kind of scars....which will never heal." He mummered, looking down at his feet in deep shame.
"I've killed.... hundreds of them! I'm just a monster...a...wolf in sheep's clothing.." Tears rolled down his cheek, as his face scrunched up in disgust of himself. Toothless cooed, nudging his riders chest gently. He didn't want to hurt him.

Stoick sucked in a deep shallow breath, as he removed his face from his hands revealing puffy eyes. He glanced at his son who was sobbing silently, stoking the dragon's head.
Sympathy took over the Viking, and he launched at the small boy, wrapping his large arms over the small frame. Hiccup froze. He didn't feel any more comfortable in any way.
"Uh...." He said, but the chief ignored his awkwardness, chuckling softly before backing away, landing his hands on to the boy's shoulders.
Hiccup's face showed deep confusion.
"Oh son....I-Im so sorry," Stoick whispered, guilt written all over his face.
The boy stared for a bit.
"You're not my son..."
That sounded so much like....the chief's!?
But he had to be sure....
What if this was his father, but he just couldn't remember?
He'd feel guilty even more.
But what if?
Hiccup forward his brows in curiosity, and he opened his mouth...


I swear I make everything so depressing don't I?:) Enjoy my video (jk this is just to make you die inside)

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