Chapter 20: I Love You, son...

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But not just any dragon...
But a night fury.

Stoick heard a small chuckle from Ansgar, making him forward a brow, just before something large slammed down on the cool metal surface of the ship behind him.
The Viking whirled around to face a man covered in a black cloak with matching black armor underneath, a night fury-like mask, and a weird metal like prosthetic attached to his leg sitting on top of the night fury with neon green eyes.

The rider dismounted the dragon, his midnight black eyes never leaving Stoick's face. The man advanced on him slowly, the night fury growling low, getting into a fighting stance.
The Viking rose a brow, as he took a step back slightly, itching to reach for his axe attached to his belt.
"Hiccup....? Son, is that you?"
He heard Ansgar chuckle.
"Oh....he's not your's anymore..."
As if on cue, the night rider took out a handle and pressed a button, retracting a sword that cought fire immediately as he continued advancing on the chief.
Stoick's eyes widened, recognizing the inferno.
"Hiccup....Come on son, snap out of it."
He didn't know what was happening and...why was he acting this way?
Why was his eyes black? All covered up?
What had happened in the last few hours...
But the boy just took off in a run towards him, raising his sword and swiping it across the air just as the Viking dodged out of the way.

Ansgar smirked as he strolled over to sit on his throne on the end of the ship to watch the scene unfold.
"He belongs, to me now..." He sneard.
Hiccup roared as he leaped towards the chief,  both of them slamming down on the ground, Stoick rolling to jump back up on his feet just to have his shoulders being forced back towards the ground, and he immediately clang his large hands on Hiccup's, trying to push him away.
"Hiccup Stop! Please stop..." Stoick begged.
For the first time in his life he was scared...
Scared for his son.
But....this was not Hiccup...
This was not his son! Something must have happened to the kind loyal and bright boy he once knew...
Right now? He was facing a monster.

Hiccup grunted as he tried pushing the man backwards, only to be thrown sideways, and he hit the ground before getting back up, and charging twords the chief.
"Son stop! Snap out of it!" Stoick breathed, pushing back the boy.
But before he could stop it, he felt a hot white pain go through his left shoulder, and he turned to see a flamed sword sticking out from it, before it was ripped out making him roar out in pain, and anger took over making his thoughts go blank before he  turned around, punching  whoever stabbed him, blindly before he took him by the neck and dragged him over to the edge of the ship and held the small shape over the edge over the freezing waters of the achipelago.

He death glared the red blurred shape, as his vision had gone red, hearing a furious roar from Toothless. Stoick breathed heavily, sweat rolling down his face as he felt the enemy claw at his large hand.
Suddenly, his anger wore off, and his vision cleared only to see his son hanging off the ship by his own hands. The man's eyes widened at his actions, and he quickly pulled the boy back onto the ship and hugged him close, tightly.
Hiccup struggled against the enemy's grip, trying to get away as he roared out in frustrated at his weakness.

"Son- please, stop- just stop please...!" Stoick mummered his eyes shut as he continued hugging the boy tight.
"Please son.... please come back to me please..."
The boy struggeld more violently, his eyes for a second, flickering back to green before going black again, as he let out a cry.
Ansgar sat up in his seat at what he was witnessing...

The boy let out another pained cry as he tried pushing himself away, calling out to his dragon who seemed to be frozen in his spot, amazed at what he was seeing.
"Please son...I know you're in there just fight it! I know you can! You're strong, you're strong Hiccup..."
Hiccup's eyes began swimming back from green to black, green to black as he was hearing the words come out of the man's mouth.
His struggle to get out became weaker by the minute....
"I know...I know you're feeling a disappointment, like you're not the son I've wanted." Stoick cried, tears blurring his vision.
"But you are my son, Hiccup. My only son- and I want you to know that am proud- and always will be proud to call you my son..."
Hiccup soon began gaining his senses, and began to fight back against the demon that was casted upon him by his master...and he let out another cry as he tried to come back to the light...away from the dark which he was currently in.
His vision went from blood red to clear as his eyes flickered more green than black.

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