CHAPTER 5: Is it really him?

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8 years ago (a/n aaand here we go, once again, another flashback back!(don't worry the flashbacks do have something to do with the story) enjoy)

A thirteen year old Hiccup Haddock miserably dragged his aching body towards the house, as heavy rain drops hit his body with no mercy.
'oh...the gods hate me. And I don't even know why...' the boy thought pitifully t himself as he pushed open the wooden door.

His eyes widened slightly as he saw his father sitting in his chair beside the fire, glaring at the door.
"Hiccup, you're-" Stoick noticed his son's state, and he immediately stood up and rushed towards his boy.
"Hiccup, what happened!?" The chief boomed, looking the young viking over, noticing cuts and bruises and a black eye.
"Oh you know how clumsy I am. I tripped." Hiccup lied.
"Who did this to you, son?" Stoick asked sternly.
He promised Valka that he'd protect their boy if anything ever happened.

This was the third time this week his has happened.
Actually this happend every week for the past two years.
And he didn't know why!
Sure he looked like a runt, but that gives no reason to abuse a heir of Berk!
Stoick stared into his boy's eyes that resembled his lost wife's eyes, and he raised his large arm to lay his hand on his son's cheek, which made him flinch slightly.
"Please son. Tell me." He whispered.
Hiccup stared for a moment, swallowing in panic as he looked down at his feet in guilt.
"I promise, I'll make this better. But...just know that I won't be here forever. So someday you will have to learn to stand up for yourself and fight your own battles. But for today? I know you  can't. Please let me help, son."


Stoick watched as the black dragon fell from the sky with a cry, a smile spreading across his face before he called for some vikings to come hunt down the night fury with him.

They all ran through the forest right past Ravens point, before they all stumbled upon a beautiful cove.
The chief stared around in awe before he saw it.
The night fury was laying on his side with his wings wrapped around it's body in the middle of the cove, unconscious.
Stoick narrowed his eyes as he and his men started heading down towards the beast. They were quiet, weapons in their grasp, and the chief rose his arm clenching his fist to signal his small army to stop.
He signaled his closest friend Gobber who had an axe attached to his arm, and they both approached the downed dragon.

But as they neared the beast, large hypnotizing neon green eyes snapped open, instantly finding the two Vikings and his eyes turned to slits.
But the dragon recognized the one with the red beared, and his eyes dilated slightly.
He rose his head slightly, and moaned loudly.
Stoick glared, but then he saw a sleet black saddle on the Night Fury and he raised down his hammer slightly.
His blue eyes examined the gears, and he saw a cord leading to it's tail wing, which looked strange.
It didn't look the same as the other tail wing.
The viking narrowed his eyes.
It couldn't be..



The arenas cage ceiling blew up, a pitch black dragon diving in and began attacking the monsterous Nightmare, away from the small viking.

"Go, Toothless. Go!" Hiccup yelled, pushing the night fury, as vikings jumped into the ring.

Stoick picked up an axe, and both he and the dragon charged, tackling each other but was immediately pinned by the night fury, not before he noticed a brown prosthetic tail wing.
The dragon inhaled deeply, green gas filling his mouth which had a purple light building up in it.

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