CHAPTER 9: Only for the dragons

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Stoick froze, and let out a breath as a wide smile replaced his regretful look on his face.
He thought he'd never hear the boy call him that.
He thought the had lost him.
But no.
He laid a hand on the side of his son's face, as he looked into his green eyes.
"Y-You remember..? Do you remember me, son?"
Hiccup's eyes showed deep confusion and frustration, also pain from his wounds, as he gazed down at his so called father....
"I....I-I think so- I....uhm. I think I remember you, but.... nothing other than that. No." Hiccup said, playing with his hands.

"I just...somehow... remember that you're my father. I don't remember anything else. Even though this place feels familiar...I-I just can't bring myself up to remember! I-Im....sorry, Dad." He muttered, lowering his head in guilt.
"No-no, son....don't blame yourself- please." He pulled the boy into a hug, stroking the back of his head.
"It's my fault.." he mummered.
Anger built up inside of him- but not towards Ansgar or Hiccup...but towards himself.

He had caused this.
All of it.
If he had only just...listened..
All of this would never had happened.
Perhaps things would be different.
But no..he had to let anger lead him.

The chief pulled away, a smile on his face, before he stood up and walked towards the door.
"Would you like me to show you around Berk? You could take your dragon if you'd like..but unfortunately for the people's safety, we must put a muzzle on him. No hard feelings, eh Toothless?"
The night fury watching from the corner growled, turning his head away from the Viking, glaring at the floor.
He hated the idea already...
Hiccup looked down at his hands furiously, before gently sliding off the table, and quickly began limping over to Toothless.
"Uh...l-look it all sounds tempting and all but....I-I have to get back." He muttered, putting on his tunic, armor and cloak.
Stoick was shocked, and he was afraid of the thought of his long lost son leaving.
He had just found his son after five years! He couldn't bear to lose him again.

Hiccup jumped as he felt a large hand grasp his wrist, in a firm grip.
He whirled around, surprised to see a suspicious look on his 'fathers' face.
"Back to where, exactly?"
The boy opened his mouth after a moment.
"Uhm....b-back to Ansgar-"
"WHAT!?" Stoick exclaimed, tightening his grip.
Hiccup flinched, before ripping his arm away from the man's grip, and swung his legs over the saddle of his dragon.
He looked down at his father, switching his face to stone cold, and his green eyes determined as his gripped the saddle tightly.
"I'm sorry, I-I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now....but Im sorry that I can't feel the same," he sighed, nudging Toothless to start walking towards the door.
"But...I have to get back to my commander- he'll kill me- literally- if I don't. Now will you excuse me...I have to get going."

Stoick stared at his son ride away, speechless.
He knew he wouldn't be able to make his son stay....he's too stubborn.
But he had to try.
And so he followed the night fury out the door, and into traffic of the Village full of vikings.
Hiccup kept his eyes forward, as people stepped out of the way, giving them fearful looks, while others gave them murderous looks and looks of disbelief.
Out of the crowed he spotted five viking teens giving him the most murderous and shocked looks out of all of Berk, causing Hiccup to sneak a glance at them..
Thor did they look so familiar!
Especially that short brown haired viking, with blue eyes...he didn't look at all friendly.

Toothless kept his eyes forward, lost in thought as he pranced through the small village of his riders home.
He noticed how tense the boy was, as everyone way staring at them as though they had grown two heads...until a hum disrupted in his ears, and he froze, his pupils going into slits.
A voice called, but it was muffled...he could bearly hear it!
'Ah....Now I remember you, my sweet little night fury.'
The feminine voice growled.
'Who are you...? Wait...oh no.'
He recognizes that voice from anywhere.
'Yes! Now...we have unfinished business to attend to, do we?' she growled.
'No! I don't, and never have belonged to you, you evil tyrant! Now stay out of my head, of else!'
'Ha! And what can one small crippled night fury do to me!?'
'Well my dearest queen, I can show my fair rider, Hiccup Fury where you hide away, and destroy you once and for all!'
'How-How dare you!? You would kill your queen!? I hardly doubt you'll survive if you face me!'
'Do I hear a challenge? Well in that case... prepare yourself, Queen. As of now, as storm is coming. Because if you haven't heard; they call me, the offspring of lightning and death.'

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