Chapter 12: Save Toothless..

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Hiccup stared down at the small stuffed dragon in his hands, as he was hunched down on a chair, tears in his eyes, though he was holding them back.

An hour had passed by since the boy had been locked up in his old household, no way of getting out.
There were no windows it seemed....
Hiccup sighed in frustration.
If only he hadn't opened his stupid mouth, then his father would probably be still here- but nooo! Hiccup just had to blurt it all out....

Suddenly an idea hit him.
He remembered that there were vikings his age around... perhaps he could get their help...
That sounded perfect! The only problem was that he was trapped here in the house.
His eyes wondered around the room, before he saw stairs leading up to a bedroom, and he facepalmed himself in stupidity.
He really had to use his brain more often.

The boy scrambled onto his feet, and bolted upstairs, clipping on his cloak.
He swung open the door, glanced around the small bedroom, and instantly spotted a window. He let out a breath of pure relief.
Hope was not all lost yet.
There was still a chance.
He can save his father, Toothless, and Berk.
Hiccup rushed towards the window, and jumped off, landing harshly on his feet, but he then dashed away from the house, and towards the docks where he saw the ships almost out of sight. He groaned, but stayed positive.
He still had time.

He hurried away towards one of the houses he's seen his father visit yesterday, and pounded his fist on the door. It took a second, before the door swung open to reveal Snothat, and what seemed to be  his mother.
Snotlout's eyes widened slightly at the sight of his lost cousin.
He still didn't feel comfortable around him....
Hiccup let out a breath,"I need your help."
Snotlout and his mother both extanged confused looks at each other.


Hiccup hurried towards the Killing Ring, where his 'cousin' was supposed to have gathered the other teens. (A/n I still prefer to call them teens...since there like 18-19...) 
Once the boy looked up he smiled slightly at the sight of the gang standing in the middle of the ring, looking determined and ready for action.
"If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd probably go with the Gronkle." A large husky looking boy called, he looked as though he were trying to sound tough, but failed.
Hiccup smiled at them.
Now to set his plan to action. He made his way across the ring to be stopped and surrounded by the teens.
Another one of the teens, a girl, stepped forward, "You have no idea who we are, don't you...Hiccup?"
The boy shook his head.
The girl nodded back, "Well, I'm Astrid, that's Fishlegs Ruffnut Tuffnut, and Snotlout-"
"Her boyfriend-!" Snotlout rambled, only to get punched in the face by Astrid.
Hiccup chuckled, and nodded in acknowledgement of them being here.
"Thanks guys, really. I really need you guys's help."
One of the twins, Tuffnut, pushed his way towards the dragon rider, getting close to his face, "You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadliest" he smirked.
The boy raised a brow.
And now he was having second thoughts.
"I love this plan!" Snotlout said in an excited tone.
Hiccup is not surprised of this, because if he had told him on how they were getting to the nest, then he and the rest of the gang would have the total opposite of reactions...
Suddenly his cousin was pushed roughly to the side,and Hiccup was in seconds face to face with Ruffnut, who was too close for his liking.
"You're crazy!...I like that.." she said in a dreamy like state.
Luckily Ruffnut was yanked away by Astrid, and he was now facing his cousin again.
" exactly are we getting to the nest?" Snotlout asked in a worried tone.
Hiccup glanced at the cage where the  dragons were being kept, and he smirked down at his cousin.


Stoick gazed out at the sea, as they were now heading into the fog.
This was it.
Here goes nothing.
This is for his son, Valka and his tribe.
He was gonna end this war once and for all.
His ears still ringed from the sound of his son's cries, but pushed it aside...he needed to stay focused.

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