CHAPTER 4: Shoot It Down

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18 years ago...

A seven year old Hiccup was strolling through the village of Berk alone, kicking stones as he made his way through the ghost town.
It was just before sunrise so it was no wonder why no one was out.

His father, Stoick had gone on yet another trip to find the Dragons nest.
The stories his father had told him everytime he got back, about the events that happened during the seacrches always made the boy scared yet excited whenever he heard of the vikings adventures.

"Hey, Useless!" A loud sneering voice called.
Hiccup rolled his eyes as he turned to face his cousin Snotlout and his twin friends Ruffnut and Tuffnut.
Oh joy..
"Hey, Snot!" He forced a smile.
He always tried to stay on his cousin's good side, because if he didn't, things don't go so well.
"My girlfriend Astrid said that you played with her the other day! Is that true?" He smirked.
And just so you know, Astrid hates Snotlout.
"Uh, yes? What's it to you, Snotface?"
His cousin snatched the boy up by the front of his tunic, holding him close.
"Why would she ever want to hang out with a freak like you? Unless you forced her?"
Hiccup gave him a look.
"Really, Snot? Have you met me? Force is a strong word to use."
Snotlout growled, and raised his fist.

The Jorganosn boy and the Thorstons, including Hiccup all whirled around to see a large Viking with a large flaming red beared and cold blue eyes march angrily towards them.
"Get-your-hands, off of my son boy!"
Stoick shouted, and immediately Snotlout released his victim, his hands going behind his back, and the twins snuck away hurriedly.
"What do you think you're doing with Hiccup, Jorganosn?!" The chief shouted.
"Uh-I-We were just, it's not what it-!"
"Go home! If you ever come near my son again, be prepared to have something sharp come your way, boy. Now scram!"
At this the bully gulped, and rushed away, humiliated and scared.

Hiccup smiled up at his father, who turned to him with cold eyes that could instantly kill a dragon.
Then his large face turned into a kind small smile.
"What'd I tell you? I'll always protect you."


Hiccup sat on the stone floor next to his bed in his small prison like dorm.
His eyes were closed, and he sat crisscrossed, breathing in and out deeply, keeping his mind at peace.
His face was blank, and his thoughts were empty.
This is his daily routine every morning evening and night, and he never broke that routine.
It's the only thing that kept him sane in his life now.

A bang on his metal door broke him from his state, and he opened his eyes, looking over calmly to see a guard at his door glaring at him expectedly.
The boy sighed, as he stood up and went over to the door as the guard unlocked his door.
He stept out of his dorm, and stood in front of the gruff looking guard.
"Let's go." He growled, and the boy had no choice but to follow.

As they made their way to the commanders room, they were joined by four other guards surrounding a pitch black dragon with bright curious green eyes.
The dragon saw the soldier being lead down the hall with him, and he crooned happily, showing a gummy smile to get his best friend's attention, but one of his guards nudged his snout with their stick, and he growled before his face went blank and he faced forward.
He hated those sticks..


"Alright, boy. You and Night are going to go scout some islands up northwest. Report back to me on which islands look suspicious, some of those islands might be familiar to back by nightfall, and don't try anything funny." Ansgar barked, pacing in front of the soldier and night fury.
Hiccup nodded, as he put up his hood and helmet and he turned to mount his dragon.

Ansgar watched as they took off to go on their mission.
He was thinking of making the boy his heir....but only when he knows he's ready.
He'll have to discipline his soldier more and harder, until he knows the boy won't disappoint him.


Hiccup stared past the clouds as he and Toothless flew high over islands.
He thought if nothing else excep for his mission.
He didn't want to fail Ansgar again. This mission was to simple anyway for him to make a mistake.
Suddenly he heard that voice again.

"You're not my son."
He shook his head, as he heard the night fury coo up at him.
"I'm fine, bud." He sighed.
Okay , now the voice was getting annoying.
Sure it popped up a few times over the years, but now it really started to bother him.

He gazed down at the calm sea as they neared another island, and he signaled the dragon to fly lower to get a better look.
If this island was planning something, then he'd have to report back to his commander.
Though he felt sorry for all the innocent women and children who had to suffer for their chiefs mistake.
The boy hopped and prayed these people weren't planning on anything suspicious...

A horn blew, and Hiccup's eyes widened as multiple bolas were fired at them, and this made the boy panic.
He looked below and in the crowd of a village stood a large Viking with a flaming really beared, looking up at them.
That must be the chief.

"SHOOT IT DOWN!" The Viking yelled,
“Let’s go bud!”
Toothless roared, turned his scaly head and shot a plasma blast at the small army below, before heaving his black massive wings and arrowing up closer to the clouds to hide.
Nets, bolas and arrows were wildly shot at them, the dragon dodging every blow.
“Come on!”  the boy said, eyes narrowed.
The night fury huffed, as he gained more altitude.

“NO!” he screamed.
Something hit the dragon’s tail, busting up the black prosthetic tail wing.
Toothless roared, as he began spinning downwards, wildly.
The rider clinged onto the saddle, his life depending  on it.
“Hold on...hold on!” a forest was getting closer from the island that were attacking.
This was not good.
Not at all.
He couldn't fail Ansgar!
He'll be killed!

But he knew nothing else could be done, and he closed his green eyes, hugging his dragon tightly waiting for impact.

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