Chapter 17: Torture

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"Times up Chief! Wouldn't want Ansgar to wait do we?!"

Hiccup bit his lip to hold back a groan of pain trying to escape his lips as the chains on both sides of his wrists,  from opposites corners of the walls held him up onto his foot.
He breathed hard as sweat drenched him, his now matted hair reaching the top of his eyes, as he looked up at the man in front of him.
"The lost son has returned, I see." A deep smooth voice growled.
Hiccup's eyes widened slightly.
Now he knew where he was!
His heart, at that moment, began racing.

"It's been three months, boy. Now that mission I sent you on? It's supposed to take one night....what happened!?!?" Ansgar yelled, going close to the boy's face who flinched.
The blurred vision of his master paced in front of him, his hands behind his back.
"My guess is that you were trying to escape. Correct? Or is there something else, in which I need to know about?"
The man barked, raising a brow.
Hiccup shook, as he snapped his eyes shut to fight back the urge to scream, to shout, beg for mercy- to call his father for Thor's sake!
Bit he stood his ground.
From this point on, whatever happens to Hiccup.....
Then so be it.

"Y-Yes c-c-commander." The boy stuttered.
At this, the man scowled, before taking out his small dagger, and swiping it across the air at Hiccup's face, hearing a satisfying groan of pain.
"Yes c-commander." The boy repeated, closing his eyes again.
The Commander smirked, as he continued pacing towards behind the chained boy.
"Now...what do you think that deserves? Hm?"
The boy went silent, as he pursed his lips.
"Aw, Come now Fury! We must do something about this! You know something like this can happen without any consequences." Ansgar mumbled, taking a whip from a guard behind Hiccup's back.
Hiccup's breathing increased as he suddenly felt his stress overheating inside of him.
And the fever wasn't helping much at all.
"I for one...thinks this deserves a small...."
Hiccup yelped and arced his back forward as he felt the spiked tips of a whip meet his back. At the first blow, he knew more was coming.
"Punishment..." Ansgar sneered.
He began to panic, and immediately began to thrash around in the chains holding his wrist, but it was useless. His eyes widened as he heard,
"Finish the job." Ansgar mumbled.
He heard a nasty chuckle, before he squeezed eyes shut, for he knew, there was no escaping this..

"Hurry!" Stoick called, as he ran ahead of the crowed of Hooligan Warriors towards the ships.
He was furious!- yet afraid.
He didn't know what these people were capable of, and this was pure torture for the man.
He had just reunited with his long lost son, just for him to be taken away?!
The Viking clenched his fist around the handle of have across as he stared out into the open sea on the boat, as more Vikings joined aboard.
No. Not again.
He was not letting his son go.
Ever again.

"Let's move out!" Stoick called, as he left the head of the boat to walk around. He was soon joined by the blacksmith, who's face was full of worry and concern.
"Now, tell me again what happened?" Gobber breathed, as he limped after the man.
The chief sighed, as he closed his eyes.
He shook his head slightly, "He was kidnapped. Taken by an outsider. Two spies from Ansgar."
"That man who tortured Hiccup for five years!?" The blacksmith exclaimed, still alarmed by the news.
"Yes.... We're going to take back my son" Stoick growled.
"And make sure Ansgar regrets ever messing with a Chief's son."

Gobber paused, but smirked as he continued following after the Chief.

Hiccup breathes heavily, as sweat rolled down his face, and his eyes heavy from the beatings he's received in the last hour from many different guards and even some of the Soldiers he worked with.
He looked a mess, as he had scars all over his back his chest, torso arms from whips and cuts from knives and daggers. He also had some deep bruises from punches and some burnt marks from hot coals guards had tossed on him.

The boy let himself be untied from the small wooden chair in which he had sat on, in the center of a small dark room, and was now being dragged by the two guards out of the room and down a dark hallway.

Hiccup groaned as the guards laid him down on the wooden surface of a high table, and they soon began strapping him down to it with leather belts. One across his chest, another across his legs and then strapped down his wrists and feet-Foot and stump (Which had been treated to their liking).
His breathing increased as he was being tied down before the men finished and left the room, with their prisoner tied down to the table.

Hiccup began to panic, and began thrashing around in the straps, grunting in frustration-
"Calm down, Fury. No need to be afraid, now boy." A smooth voice called beside him. The boy gasped sharply, and looked to his left to see Ansgar rising from his wooden chair and advancing on him slowly.
"Now. What if I told you that this won't need to happen anymore...?" The Commander asked, pacing around the table.
The boy said nothing, making the man chuckle.
"Oh, Fury Fury, what have you gotten yourself into?" Ansgar teased, before he paused on the boy's left side.
"Or should I call you....Hiccup?
Hiccup's eyes widened.
No....this couldn't mean what he think it means.
Ansgar chuckled, "I've never had thought that my young second in command would be the Chief of Stoick the vast? Leader of the Hooligan Tribe? Son of a Chief? Mm....all the possibilities of.... Killing the Chief."
The boy's eyes widened at this.

"YOU'LL NEVER KILL MY FATHER! He's the most powerful Chief of the achipelago!(I think I spelled that right) When he finds me, he's gonna kick-Your-"
"Me? You want me to-Ha!" The man laughed, before a sinister smirk was planted on his face.
"Thank you, Hiccup...But I think it's more respectful form me to let you do the honors of the first kill..."

At that moment, the doors bursted open to have four guards pulling in a large red dragon, who was roaring furiously as he was pulled in by chains around a muzzle that was around his snout. Ansgar smirked, as he pulled down a wooden leather to have Hiccup's table to jerk him forward to make him seem  to stand on his feet, to face the dragon better.

Once Hiccup got a good look at the Dragon, he shunk slightly.
It was a Changewing...
He didn't know why they brought a Changewing in....but he did have a horrific feeling.
The dragon made eye contact a the boy, narrowed his eyes to slits and snarled at him as Ansgar chuckled.

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