CHAPTER 7: Raid and Confusion

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7 years ago...

"Dad? You....are you in there?" Hiccup asked, knocking on the wooden surface of his father's door.
The Viking guiltily glared down at his feet, angry at himself for disappointing his father.
"Dad, please, the door please? I just wanna say I'm sorry." He called, getting silence from the room as response, until he suddenly heard shuffling inside.

A raid had just ended, which is where this whole situation started.
Though this wasn't the first time had messed up.
The first time wasn't so bad, and it was when he was twelve. His father had waved it off as just a mistake when he had caused a house to be burnt to the ground during a raid. But as time passed on, his father had grown into that mode of, 'disappointment'.
And it wasn't pretty.

But this time, seemed to be his worst.
He had almost caused a family to be killed.
Or that was what it seemed.
Hiccup was working in the forge, until he glanced up, just in time to see a small family of three backed up in a corner, a green and black monsterous nightmare flaming up as it stalked towards them. The teen's eyes widened in shock, until he remembered what his father had told him about a year ago.
'A chief, protects his own.'
The boy narrowed his eyes determinedly.

Hiccup bursted out from the forge, an axe in his hand which he was struggling to hold up, and he ran across the battle field between man and beast. As he was nearing the family, he was getting shouted warnings from other vikings, but not one noticed the vulnerable family about to die.
The boy raised the axe, that his father had so happily given to him, and hit the sharped down on it's leg. The Nightmare roared in pain before striking the boy who dodged bearly.
Hiccup turned the the family, telling them to run before the dragon realized what was happening, and slammed it's tail down in front of the Vikings. It roared, and was about to unleash it's flames on all four of them until-
'AGHHHH!!!!!" Stoick the vast slammed his hammer down against the dragons jaw, making it lose it's balance, and the chief jumped up, clamming it's massive jaws shut and shoved it's head to the ground. They wrestled for a bit, before they stood in fighting stances in front of them.
The Nightmare was about to fire, but Stoick punched it's jaw again, then again, blow after blow until the dragon gave in, roared and flew away in defeat. The Viking huffed, before turning to look down at his son, who stared blankly up at him...

Hiccup jumped back as the door was slammed open with a furious faced, flaming red beared viking glaring daggers down at him.
"What!?!" Stoick shouted, a large mug of alcohol in his hand.
The boy gulped, "I-I- I just...I just wanted you to know I'm sorry Dad- I-I really am!" He muttered, with pleading eyes.
Stoick glared down.
"You....are anything but sorry. No you are a disappointment. An embarrassment to me."
Hiccup felt as though a sword was slowly peircing into his heart, as he winced at every blow of his father's words. Now he didn't expect this...not at all...
"If I could, right about now, choose any other viking in the world to be my son...I wouldn't hesitate." The chief growled.
"If I could ship you off to sea, to die out there alone, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Three times now, you have embarrassed me- and this time, YOU ALMOST KILLED A FAMILY! WHAT IN THOR'S NAME WAS ODIN THINKING WHEN HE GAVE ME A SON, SUCH AS YOURSELF?!" Stoick yelled with his hands threatening.
Hiccup backed away in fear, as his father wakled towards him.

Hiccup was thrown outside the door, feeling the instant freezing air piercings his skin, making him shiver. He landed hard on the snow, and he looked up at his father who stood at the door, inside of the house.
"What sin did I do, to have you as a son.." the chief growled, before slamming the door shut, leaving his only son out in the freezing night of Berk.

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