CHAPTER 2: We're Leaving... Together.

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4 years ago... (A/n; I know. Surprise surprise another flashback. Don't get used to it, I'm bearly gonna be doing this)

An eleven year old Hiccup glanced up at his father, as they were both standing at the edge of the highest point of Berk, watching the sun rise.
His father had said, that as chef, it's important to be the first to wake in the morning. It can be useful for alot of things.
Including making sure they weren't being attacked. But the small Viking wasn't being fooled. He knew his father just wanted to spend more time with him, with him being chief and all.

Hiccup smiled warmly, as he felt the sun beam warmly at him, his green eyes sparking back at it.
"Yes son?" Stoick mummered, as he gazed at the rising sun.
"You'd never... hurt me, right?" Hiccup asked, in a low voice.
"Of course not, Hiccup. Id never harm you. Id never let anyone lay a finger on your head, without the old Stoick the vast knowing." The Viking chuckled.
"You'll always have my back right?"
"And we'll always be together, right?.."


Hiccup quietly entered the empty killing arena, looking around wearily to make sure no one was watching or if he was being followed.
His f....Stoick had left an hour ago to search for the nest one last time, and if he didn't find it, he'll turn to plan b.
Make Hiccup tell him where and how to get to the nest.
His dragon was held hostage in the cages with the other dragons that were used for training.
But not for long.
He glanced back at his bag that was packed with some of his belongings, that were important to him.
Including a portrait of his mum.
Back at his room at the house, his room was only bearly any different, though he had left a note on his desk.
But he didn't think Stoick would notice, or even care to notice his absence or read the note.
"You're not my son..."
The Viking shook his head, to dismiss the small memory.
Looks like those four words will be haunting him for a while...
Or forever..

Hiccup grasped his small hands tightly around the lever to open the cages, and he took a deep breath in before he used all the strength he had, and began cranking the lever to unlock and open the metal door.
He finally got it open, and he gasped huge and exhausted breathes, as he turned to gaze into the empty space where the dragons were locked up.
The boy let out a shaky breath, before picking up a lantern, and heading into the room, where he met dozens of growls for sleeping dragons, making him shudder.
"T-Toothless? Bud, are you in here?"

He walked deeper into the dragon area, until he met a dead end.
Hiccup groaned slightly.
He's not in here!
A sudden thought came into mind.
What if Stoick had taken the night fury with him?!
What if he somehow knew that he'd try to break the dragon out!?

Suddenly, a small croon drew him away from his thoughts, and his emerald green eyes lit up in hope, before he turned to his left, and saw him.
Locked up in a dirty unstable cage, was a happy looking black dragon gazing at him through the bars, with his astonishing curious green eyes.
"Toothless!"  He rushed towards the cage, and began trying to unlocking it, using a key he had stolen from a sleeping guard.
"I'm right here, buddy, I'm here. Don't you worry." He mummered.

The night fury warbled happily, as he watched his little viking unlock the retched cage he had been thrown into boy ugly large vikings.
The other dragons watched curiously, at the little scene that was happening in front of them.
Toothless let out a cocky huff at the training dragons.
He felt more important than the other's as he was the only one being let out.

"Got it!" Hiccup smiled, as he opened the large cage door, immediately being tackled to the hard ground making him groan.
"Alright, alright. Glad to see you too, bud. I'm so glad you're okay..." He said as he was being licked endlessly by the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.
The other dragons growled and warbled at one another in curiosity and confusion.
They'd never witnessed such a sight; a Viking getting along with a dragon.
However, one of the dragons scowled, making his scales slightly catch fire.
That night fury was a traitor...

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