Chapter 15: Captured

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Stoick bursted through the wooden door of his son's bedroom, only to find an empy bed and it only took a second  to realize that the room looked like a huge fight had taken place.
Hiccup's desk was flipped over, his chair was upsidedown beside the unmade bed, papers and books were littered across the floor, but there was one thing that made the chief's eyes widen.
Blood was everywhere..
Stoick's breathing increased as he saw the dried blood going everywhere, until a trial lead to a stop at the window.
The opened window.

It had been a few weeks since Hiccup has been in his coma, and Stoick had been grieving over his mistakes ever since they got back from The Nest.
Gobber had to take charge as former Chief until the Viking had recovered.

Snotlout, surprising was currently at the Haddock's household, sitting on a wooden chair beside his cousins bed, tapping his finger on his knee as he felt, annoyed guilty depressed and worried.
He hated seeing his cousin like.
However he hated how he felt. How would his father think of him right now? A Berk warrior grieving over a one legged runt of a viking....
Who was also the rider of the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself..and who was no longer a runt but was a few inches taller than Snotlout....and who looked like he's been through hel.
The Viking sighed, as he glanced back at Hiccup, crossing his arms.
He wanted to make it up to him...but how?.... His blue eyes lit up.
He had an idea.

Stoick rubbed his face tiredly as he set down his mug, and sighed deeply.
"Odin why do you make me suffer like this..." He mumbled. Just then he heard footsteps running down the stairs, and he jolted up to face the stairs to see his nephew emerge from his son's room a smirk plastered across his face.
"Snotlout? What is it boy?" The chief boomed, filled with hope yet fear.
"It's about Hiccup! I got an idea on a welcome home gift, and to honor him as Berk's hero!" The boy rambled.
At this, Stoick rose a suspension brow.
This was not the Snotlout he knew.
"And what's that..?"
The Viking smiled, making the man even more surprised.
"We can let the dragons stay at Berk, let everyone have a dragon- Astrid and I can help with that- Gobber can figure out something to do, I don't know.....But yeah thats it!" He smiled.
Stoick stood dumbfounded for a few seconds.
Wow how people can change in just a few weeks...
"You know, that's funny. I was thinking the same thing, about the whole dragons-staying-at-Berk thing."
"So it's official!?"
The Viking crossed his arms, "And why do you want to take part in this? I thought you hated Hiccup?" He growled.
The Jorganson boy frowned slightly.
"I....I uh...I just wanna make it up to him, Sir. I've done a lot of regretful things in the past...." He sighed.
At this the man smiled, and placed a hand on his nephews shoulder, making him look up.
"It's alright lad. I understand. Let's get started shall we?"

Suddenly there was a roar heard from upstairs, and both vikings glanced at each other before Stoick rushed towards the foot of the stairway.
He listened for a few seconds, before he heard more sounds of chaos coming from up the room, following with grunts and growls-
"HICCUP!" Stoick screamed, as both he and Snotlout rushed up towards the heirs room
Stoick bursted through the wooden door of his son's bedroom, only to find an empy bed and it only took a second  to realize that the room looked like a huge fight had taken place.
Hiccup's desk was flipped over, his chair was upsidedown beside the unmade bed, papers and books were littered across the floor with burnt marks and scratches from a dragon's claws , but there was one thing that made the chief's eyes widen.
Blood was everywhere..
Stoick's breathing increased as he saw the dried blood going everywhere, until a trial lead to a stop at the window.
The opened window.


Hey guys! Sorry that it's short. I had to rush cuz there is school tomorrow, and I wont be able to publish till Friday.... But I hope you enjoyed this small Chapter...I hate rushing.
See you Friday:)

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