CHAPTER 3: All In The Past

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5 years later...

"Is this some kind of a joke to you!?"
"They've killed- HUNDREDS OF US!"
"I have never seen anyone mess up that badly,"
"You're not a Viking."
"Yes! Exactly! Stop being all of you!"
"Figure out which side you're on!"

"You're not my son..."

Dark emerald green eyes glared  down at the small island of Berk, as the wind brushed against his face in the nighttime sky.
The man didn't know why he had such hatred towards the island, since the usually had a peace  state  of  mind...
but he knew it wasn't the time to worry about that, as he was sent on a mission with his partner.
Their commander, Ansgar, had ordered them to destroy an island in the north.

The man shook his head, and nudged his friend's big black scaly head to signal him to fly faster, which he did.
His partner heaved his massive black wings and they both zoomed over the Island, crooning up at his rider in concern.
He knew what had taken place here, but he didn't know if the man remembered.
The rider glanced down at his dragon and nodded,
"I'm Alright Bud. Let's just keep going, Toothless. I have a bad feeling about this place." He said, putting up his pitch black hood over his mane of auburn brown hair, so that only his green eyes to be seen.

Toothless warbled in reply, and focused more on his flying to continue his mission.
They had to do it.
Not on thier own will of course, his rider would never hurt a Viking if he was given the choice.
No they were forced to by Ansgar.
For the last five years, it has been torture for the both of them, and many other soldiers forced under the man's tyrant rule.
The dragon's rider had many unkind scars all over his body, mostly his back from whips.

Hiccup, his rider, has been suffering for years, and has been drivin to live in deep fear of the man and on what he could do, that he now does what ever his commander wishes, under both terror and respect.
And not the good kind.
And the night fury has no choice but to be there by his best friend's side. Hed never leave him. Especially with that monster.
The dragon would have left, but they couldn't. They were trapped.
If they escaped, Ansgar would know, find them, and kill them.
They had arrived at the man's island a few weeks after they had escaped Berk, and they were both taken in by the commander.
And from then on, there was no way out.

The boy had forgotten what it was like to live on Berk, though he knew it was the place of kill of be killed.
He'd have to report this back to his master once they finish their mission.

Soon an island came into view, and Hiccup put up his mask made to look somewhat like a night fury made of metal and leather, and he griped the dragons saddle tightly with his black leather gloves.
"Let's do this bud." He mummered to his dragon.
The night fury nodded, and he opened his mouth, a purple light building up in it, his eyes glued on the watch tower.
The tower was blasted over, and immediate hel broke lose, Hiccup and his night fury rushing in to destroy the village...


Stoick the vast stared as the sun was setting, and he let out a long deep sigh.
It had been five years.
Five years since Hiccup had left.
And it hadn't been the same since.
The village was like a ghost town now that the heir was gone.
And he couldn't just let Snotlout take over once he's dead and gone.
Now that he's realized it, Hiccup had made the perfect heir.
But he was gone.
Ran off with that night fury to Thor know's where.

The chief knew he was supposed to hate the traitor with passion, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it!
The raids have gotten worse, the teens have grown as did everyone but they all missed Hiccup.
Every thing had changed..

Stoick looked down beside him, remembering the times when his son had always watched the sun rise and set with him, with no complaint at all.
His blue eyes faced the sun, as it hid behind the rolling hills in the distance, and he closed his eyes feeling at peace.
He had to admit..
He did miss that boy.
He was the only thing he had left of Valka, and he had made an oath in her  memory to keep the boy safe.
But he didn't.
He had failed her.
The Viking could still recall that look of betrayal and terror in the boys' eyes before he had turned away.
He could still hear the plead in his small voice when he had said that he was going to stay his pet dragon.
If he could have just done things differently, perhaps his lost son would still be here... And perhaps that night fury....
Maybe not...

Stoick shook his head, and began walking back to his village, until a familiar whistle cut through the air, and he snapped his head up to see a pitch black figure bolt past over thier island going east.
The man's eyes widened as he saw something on it's back.
But that could have just been his imagination.
Blood boiled in his veins as he watched the night fury pass, and he swore that the next time he sees that dragon, he'll shoot it down.


Hiccup was thrown into the commanders room by two guards, as he heard the shrieking from his night fury, as he was forced to be put into his small cage.
The boy ignored the calls, though his heart ache for his Best friend. He couldn't bare hearing the pained roars, but he had to stay strong.
He had to keep peace.
He had to show no emotion.

Ansgar turned to face his second in command, his royal purple cloak draping over his back.
His grey eyes found green ones, and they locked instantly.
"Well?" He growled, strolling over to the boy.
Hiccup removed his mask, and held in under his arm, looking past his master, "It's done, sir. The village is in ashes, and no survivors." He reported.
At this, Ansgards blood boiled, and he took out his knife, and stabbed the soldiers shoulder, satisfied as he heard a low yelp of pain. He forced the blade out of the boy's skin, and he cleaned the knife quickly before putting it back attached to his belt.

"Didn't I say to bring back the chief!?" He barked.
Hiccup bit his lips as the pain stung his shoulder, but he ignored it best he could, hearing Toothless roar angrily in his cage, the guards yelling at him to be quite.
"Yes, sir.." he mumbled, feeling the blood trickle down his back.
Ansgar circled the boy, "Yet you failed. What kind of soldier fails his commander, Fury?"
Fury, is what he was now called, since they were all called by their last names.
Hiccup had chanced his last name to Fury, but he'd couldn't remember why..
"I'm s-sorry sir-"
The boy was punched square in the face, hearing an angered roar from his dragon as he stumbled back, holding his jaw.
Hiccup cleared his throat, "I'm sorry sir." He repeated.
"I don't take mumbling, boy. Now get back to the dorms. You have another mission next week."
The rider nodded quickly, "And what about Too- I mean Night?"
His dragon was now known as Night but only when they were on Ansgar's  island.
The man didn't like the name Toothless.

The commander turned to face the locked up dragon.
They made eye contact for a moment, before he sighed
"Fine. Take your dragon. But only for the night. Tommorow you must escort him back here first thing in the morning. Now take the beast, and get out of my sight."
Hiccup nodded quickly before he was handed his best friend, and together they both went in thier was down a dark gloomy hall.

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