2. Expelled

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A/n: Wtf is wrong with wattpad. Everything I write keeps on being deleted.

I'm actually so pissed because I had to rewrite over half of this chapter.



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Tyler's Pov:

Sitting boredly in the Head teacher's office, I tapped my fingers lightly against the wooden desk waiting for him to arrive.

I sighed spinning around in my chair looking at the exit door.

What if I just made a run for it?

I looked back at my parents; my mum being on her phone and dad seeming rather pissed off about having to be called into school to have a meeting with the Head teacher.

The door was wide open making it easy for me to escape, however, if I ran I'd just land myself in more trouble than I already was. And where would I even run to? Maybe I could go stay at Pete's for a while.

I internally groaned slumping back in my chair. All the thoughts straining my mind held me in a pretty bad mood.

After last nights incident, my dad had to come pick me up from the police station. And he was definitely not happy about it, although he didn't actually look too surprised about what I did.

I didn't regret a single moment of it though. Coming into school this morning, crowds of students were gathered around my art work displayed on the wall. I felt proud but I wasn't planning on revealing myself in case someone snitched. However, I knew inside that most students assumed it was me because who else would have the guts to do it?

Everything was going alright until half way through first period I got called out of class by the Head teacher; that's how everyone found out it was me.

The worst part was when I was sent into his office where both my parents were sitting glaring angrily at me.

At that point, I knew that I had definitely fucked up.

As I stared intently at the open office door deciding on whether or I should run, I saw Pete and Patrick walk by. Pete waved at me with a smirk on his lips where as Patrick smiled at me sadly.

I rolled my eyes at Pete but smiled back at Patrick trying to send the message that I was okay. The blonde boy shook his head slowly causing me to frown.

I almost felt guilty.


Before they were about to walk away, Pete mouthed the words 'meet us after school'. I nodded in response watching as they quickly scampered off since the Head Teacher was making his way over. I sighed as he walked in his office, closing the door behind him, and strolling over to his desk where he sat down on his leather black chair.

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