20. Down On The Desk

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A/n: A light smut warning, for y'all ;)

And I have 99 fucking followers assasaddskdjfkj just need one more to get to 100 and I'm so happy.

Also, I'm going on holidays again for two weeks so I'm not sure if I'll have wifi.
If I'm inactive then you'll know I have no wifi.



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Tyler's Pov:

My phone battery was nearly dead. But I couldn't charge it, there was a power cut- unsurprisingly.

The screen flickered on one final time: 10:42pm. Then instantly turned black. Dead. So then I was cast into complete darkness.

Despite the late time, I was still wide awake. My eyes the size of the moon as they refused to shut down- they didn't care that I was exhausted, how selfish, the adrenaline in my blood forced me to stay alert.

So there I was, perched upon my bed that was neat and tucked as I boredly sat in the dark watching through the glass window into the abyss of the torturous blizzard. Blink. A mellow, white mess. Quiet. Quieter. Whispering. Silencing. My thoughts ran, of Josh, of Josh. My memories scarred. But I smiled. Josh. His arms. His voice. I touch and see. Kiss.

Josh. Josh. Josh.

Although my smile faded. I should've been sleeping right then. But I couldn't- and not fully because of my lingering thoughts of the hot, red haired man, but because of the storm. It felt too calm and tranquil for me to be at ease. It was raging outside, but I was partly okay with it? Not really. It was just my overbearing anxiety and dread blocking away the rest of the world; I was stressed out, so my mind distracted me.

However through the empowering distraction, I could still hear the sounds of barking thunder mixed with it's deep, consecutive growl as if the dark clouds were an angry bulldog taking revenge on the world. And so the bulldog released millions of white particles down upon earth's surface, which now sounded a little dirty the more I though about it in a metaphorical manner. I let myself smirk at my own imagination.

And with a sigh, I shifted my body so I was sat comfortably cross-legged upon the white sheets of my bed that appeared a faint greyish-blue in the power cut's darkness. Dorm 69 felt empty without Ryan. Never had the school felt so dead- even with a storm that was young and alive. Emptiness was presented, not just visibly but mentally too.

There was nothing to do or think at that time of night. That's exactly the reason why people sleep; we allow our brains to kill time with overlaying dreams to fill the negative space. Some would say our dreams mean nothing- I used to be one of those people. Now I'd realised dreams meant a lot more than we know; they're just subconscious thoughts we have daily which we bury beneath emotions and denial, but at night they emerge from the depths of our mind. They are set free: escape. As people, that frightens us because we love power and control over our bodies. When that's not available, we lean towards hatred. Our dreams are just honest perceptions about how we truly feel. People don't like the truth. It's scary.

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