3. Rose Wood Towers

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A/n: Who do you think would top in frerard? I'm curious.

I'm confused because I feel like it's both of them. Half of me is like Gerard for sure but then I'm like it's definitely Frank!?



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Tyler's Pov:

The car drove swiftly throughout the small country side roads zooming by occasional small houses or cottages. Apart from that, everything that I saw was green.

Green green green! Everywhere.

There was nothing outside in the country side except for trees and farm land. No shopping centres, cinemas, restaurants... Just nothing at all! Plus the WiFi was terrible.

Gosh, how could anyone survive living out here?

I groaned pressing my forehead up against the glass window; watching as my vision started to blur into a muddy green colour from staring outside for too long. Each colour was merged together as the car sped along the extremely bumpy road.

I hissed as the car ran over a massive pothole in causing me to bash my nose against the glass.

"Shit," I cursed underneath my breath, rubbing my nose with the back of my hand.

Damn the government!!

"Be careful sweetie," my mum said from the front seat. "The roads here are very bumpy."

Well no shit Mrs. Obvious...

Sighing, I threw my head back and squeezed my eyes shut in frustration. Everything was official. It was Sunday and I actually was heading to Rose Wood Towers to stay in that damned boarding school for the year.

The past week had whizzed by so quickly it's as if it never happened.....Just like the author's unfinished massive pile of homework.

No amount of convincing could change my parents minds, they were 100% certain on me going and there was definitely no turning back now. All my items were packed into suitcases that were stored in the boot ready for this new school.

Rose Wood Towers was really far way from home too, we'd been driving non-stop for over 2 hours now and I had started to become really car sick.

My dad was at the wheel, mum beside him and Maddy at the back on the left side with me on the right; Jay was ill so he had to stay at home with Zack.

As staring out of the window boredly at the endless green land, I hummed to myself to distract myself from the deafening silence. Everyone in the car was quiet and I hated it. It made me feel sick and the tension was unbearable.

Maddy finally spoke up. "Are we nearly there yet?" She whined. "I need to pee."

I rolled my eyes. Maddy always needed to take a piss.

~BABY BLUE~ (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now