29. Our Special, Secret Spot

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A/n: yes, I know, I know. I'm slow at updating. I give you permission to yell at me.




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Tyler's Pov:

The weather was warmer, much warmer than usual. And fuck- it was growing far too hot to wear a fucking uniform. Too damn hot for that many damn layers coating my skin.

The blood boiled within my veins as the exhaustion overswept. This weather's warmth devoured the land and all its possessions. Greedy bastard. Why travel upwards when the sun had its equator to burn and sizzle? Why? What good did it bring?

Except for Pete wanting a tan, but that was what spray tan was invented for: so us humans didn't have to force ourselves through hours laying beneath the torturous sun as our skin tinged with a golden glow. That summer-loving glimmer. Fuck summer. It wasn't even summer yet. Winter, geographically. Ever heard of skin cancer?

I wiped the sweat from my hair line as the sunrays poured in through the classroom windows, gifting me with a death wish I half approved. And it being first period, Monday morning, I still had the entire day to survive through- not forgetting the remainder of the week.

Wearing a school uniform hadn't helped my comfort- it completely cancelled it out. Obliterated. Simply for the sake of the school securing its high and posh reputation.

The bell rang. Chairs scraped the floors. Students slowly emptied from the classroom.

I watched, but didn't move. I'd refused to until I'd held a conversation with him. Donated him a piece of my mind, here, take it, then hand me back a decent explanation.

Not only did the heatwave burn me, but did Josh too.

He was the only fire I accepted.

Now, that option was unavailable. His bidding.

Yesterday, we had a chance to speak during dinner. Sneak away to some vacant place together- discretely, of course. I was good at that. But we didn't, and that startled me. From my table, I'd glanced at him, suggesting clearly. C'mon now, let's escape, I'd suck you off. Your cum would make a great dessert. The pretty white icing glazing my face. Love it sweet on my tongue.


He had looked my way, through me like I was a ghost, purely invisible, then away.

And I knew he saw me, I knew it. He wasn't the only talented one at playing pretend in this school; I myself played the game skillfully.

~BABY BLUE~ (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now