28. Trash His Office

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A/n: This is what we get for people calling Tyler homophobic:


Also I'm nearly at 150 followers, and I hit 25k reads on this book so that makes me extremely happy :)



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Tyler's Pov:

Saturday the 12th of January, 5:07pm. The descending sun was shining through our dorm window, shimmering light radiating off the glass which granted a warmth to our room. Ryan, unsurprisingly, was sat on his bed reading a book. He couldn't give two fucks about what I was doing, or even a single.

"Shit, shit, shit." I cursed repeatedly, pacing around the room in a rush. Worry flashed before my eyes, panic overtaking my mind. I felt sick. So fucking sick. Fuck- just where? I yanked the cupboard doors open and collapsed to my knees in order to search. There were piles of clothes. I dug around. A permanent frown was glued to my face. Where the hell was she? I didn't lose her, God no, I couldn't have lost her again. Fuck, she must've been here somewhere, she must've-

"Tyler, what the fuck are you doing?" Ryan questioned bitterly. "Stop throwing clothes at me- our room, fuck, our room's a mess. Tyler?!" By the sound of his voice, anyone could conclude that he was pissed, annoyed, startled by the sudden turmoil I'd caused. This disruption from a past peaceful read after a long school day- no time for rest, Ryan, no fucking time. I was absolutely required to find her.

I ignored him. Hands didn't stop rummaging. They wouldn't until she was within my touch again, within my reach, my comfort.

Turning around, I went to look underneath my bed: shoes, some old underwear, half a pack left of cigarettes, a pair of socks, my sex contract, pack of bubblegum- fuck, not there either. I took a sharp intake of breath. Anxious, so damn anxious. And over what? But she meant so much to me, I assure, she did, and I was so damn careful. Others could never understand. They'd think it was pathetic, how attached I'd grown- maybe it was. I didn't fucking care what they thought.

Fuck them.

I stood and walked over to Ryan's bedside, only to drop down again so I could continue my search. I gazed around. Hand reached under. She had to be there, but she wasn't. So with puzzlement clear in Ryan's eyes, I began shaking the sheets off his bed. Possibly she was there, under his pillow? I looked. Ryan was conflicted as his once neat bed was reshaped into an image of disorder. He couldn't object- he hadn't grasped hold of what was happening. The boy's brows simply drew together as his soundless mouth hung agape.

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