33. This Twisted Truth

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A/n: From the beginning of this book, I always knew how I wanted it to end.

And yet now, I'm considering changing the plot because this book seems to be gaining more popularity and I don't wanna upset so many of y'all.

I feel a little guilty because of what I'd planned.

But thank so much for 50k reads, and all comments and votes. It always brightens my day :)



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Tyler's Pov:

I hadn't slept well in a long time.

Nights were always restless and daunting and lonely; I always awoke in the early hours, far before the sun arose and the seagulls squawked. I always awoke with eyes a piercing woe, searching upon an indistinguishable purpose to fulfill this vacant space whilst Ryan slept peacefully in the bed beside mine.

Forced my eyelids shut, and sleep. My breaths were shallow; his were content- that was the single difference diverging us. And I couldn't bare it, so I'd stand up, go lean out the dorm window, and stare out into the abyss humanity called home.

It was foreign to me. I was a trespasser. Didn't belong.

But the dark was manipulative, making my mind stir into a newly discovered depth of consciousness. One that was hurtful. Destructive over itself. I still allowed it to wander, because it gifted me an unsettling sense of comfort. Leveled ground. An air of despondency that I welcomed in to my home.

People would say I was dramatic, but the desolation was never a thing I'd dramatize. I'd wish for the opposite. Be like Ryan. So sure, so certain, so ambitious for the future. Endowed with a purpose that graced a guidance for your life. I never chose to feel so at loss. This was not what I had planned.

All I ever wanted was to understand the justification behind my existence. In a world so crowded, I was insignificant. Just another digit adding onto the ever-increasing number, yet with no intention to benefit life.

All I ever wanted was the feeling of satisfaction, gratification, security.

Even some stupid colour was enough to bring that comfort because I was so starved of love.

But I couldn't fucking trust it. That was the problem. This inevitable, paralyzing fear roped around my neck. I was strangled. Choking. Only living to barely breathe. Suffocating on this fear of breakage, how destructive this warmth was if used incorrectly. That was all I could ever focus upon.

However, some stupid colour wasn't capable of betrayal. Nor cigarettes or drugs. They could all provide comfort without my fear charging through.

Only people could hurt me.

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