16. Beneath The Stars

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A/n: 4k reads whoooooh! <3

I keep taking so fucking long to update.

But I have tests so I've been studying...ish....kinda...not really....fuck.

Ahaha, watch me fail my life.


Also, I made this chapter really much longer than usual because I felt bad.



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Tyler's Pov:

Saturday 16th December, 10:42am- six more days until he school term was finished and I went home for Christmas holidays.

Tick...tock...tick...tock. The wall-clock stuttered, hung upon the wall in the corridor outside of a classroom. An office actually- now that I paid extra attention. I walked down the school corridor, slowing down my pace to take a glance.

Frank was stood outside the office, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed over boredly. He looked up from staring down at the floor and smiled at me mouthing the word 'Hey'. I smiled back, giving a small awkward wave. He looked over his shoulder into the office behind him; the green-eyed boy was impatient.

I gazed into the office too; it was the Headmaster's office. The wooden door was left open as Mr.Way finished off his conversation with a member of staff, before wavering them off and beckoning for Frank to come in.

I raised an eyebrow at Frank's small smirk. He was portrayed a confident character, oddly, most students would be ashamed or scared of entering Mr.Way's room. Not Frank though. He was smug and sure.

The boy looked back at me for a split-second, shrugging his shoulders as the Headmaster shut the door behind them hurriedly. His cheeks were flushed a light pink- I noticed.

The type of way you look at somebody you love.

There was the slam of the door. I smiled shaking my head as I walked on. Frank always was in trouble with Mr.Way for some reason, so it wasn't surprising to see him taking regular trips to the older's office.

I looked outside the glass-wall windows into the small courtyard as I strolled down the empty corridor. On weekends, most students usually left to go out to town. I wasn't in the mood. Far too much had been bombarding my brain since the moment I'd woken up.

All thoughts glued to the image of him. Yesterday- when I was in the shower. The before and after. I felt shitty. And today, the same process of thinking too much fogged up my head.

Fuck, Tyler, Fuck.

I shook my head, blinking, fastly. Taking a second to stop walking, a sigh.

~BABY BLUE~ (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now