23. The Sex Contract

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A/n: yes, be fucking mad at me for taking long to update.

But I have a reason this time.

I plan my story plots out on paper before writing them, so to do this, I keep a notebook (it includes plans of my past books, random drafts, story ideas (maybe for the future) and this book).

But I accidentally threw my notebook away without realising, meaning I lost the whole plan for Baby Blue aaakskakffkjsgsls

So my stupid ass was trying to remember what specifically happens in every single chapter so I could bullet-point a whole new plan, because if I don't write it down, I'd probably fuck up the plot.




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Tyler's Pov:

I should've had a detention for arriving half an hour late to second period, especially on my first day, but Josh -him being granted Headmaster- made sure of Mr. Urie to be informed that I was held up for conversation on my behavior in English class, before darting off to his meeting in a rush.

I must admit, Josh's lying skills had improved because I only noticed him hesitate once while speaking to his clueless bestfriend. Most definitely would I not suspect it of meaning anything else, so neither would he, or anyone at all; that pulled a tiny, accomplished smirk to my lips. We could undeniably get away with this, surely, fuck it was so good, everything to plan. We could do this with no one knowing, no one finding out. This school term ahead was going to be fucking great, I knew it, and it filled me with an overwhelming adrenaline as the excitement sprung inside.

Josh walked off down the corridor of B block after speaking with Brendon; I watched him with dark eyes. He looked so good with that tight, white shirt on, the top button undone to give off a careless yet appealing appearance. So hot. His red hair was a neat mess of curls. Broad shoulders and a muscled back. Such a turn on, I chewed on my bottom lip capturing the last few seconds with him in my view before he turned the corner.

"Tyler, take your seat!" Mr. Urie called from inside the music classroom. He was sat upon the piano top with big, pouty lips and furrowed brows, marking my name in as 'late' on the register.

With a satisfied sigh, I turned around to go inside, however, I did definitely not look as good as Josh, no. If anything, my tussled hair, red cheeks and swollen lips gave off a dubious glow to my hinted sexual encounter. I looked disheveled and flushed- worn down like I'd just ran laps... Except it was only my tongue running the laps, and that was up and down his dick.

Still counted that to be as much as a work out, personally. Especially with a length like Josh's, God. Having to run laps like that was exhausting. Felt like the bleep test all over again, but the better version with using only mouth and no legs. And that suffocating feeling when you couldn't breath? That wasn't because you'd exercised your body too hard and your lungs were gasping for oxygen, no, it was because a massive cock was shoved down your throat.

~BABY BLUE~ (Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now