13. A Calm Me Down

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A/n: I took another really long time to update. Sorry :/

Fml. Ahahah.



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Tyler's Pov:

"Why are you soaking wet?"

Shit, forgot he was gonna be here when I came.

I looked down at my body; my jacket was shining with droplets dripping down, my shirt was drenched and hanging saggily on my chest, and my black jeans were wet and tight around my legs itching my thighs irritatingly. It would probably leave a rash. Not to mention that I stunk of sea salt, a trail of seawater behind me from where I had entered our dorm. Ryan glared at me in disapproval with his arms folded over.

"A walk, like I already told you earlier," I answered, not really answering his question at all, in fact completely avoiding it. My fingers wiped away the droplets from my hair dripping down onto my forehead. It was 6:39pm, I had been out for nearly two hours. I wasn't to mention that I was out with Josh though. No. Ryan would freak out, definitely. Seeing Mr.Dun, nobody could know.

"A walk?" He eyed me skeptically. "And you decided to take a dip in the ocean..."

I shrugged. "I tripped and fell in." It wasn't a complete lie, that actually happened- but with the help from him and that damn dog. I just wasn't telling the full truth to Ryan.

"You'd think if you tripped, only your legs or knees or arms or... something else -I don't know- would be wet... Not your whole body."

"It was a rough fall." I restrained myself from the smirk pulling at the corner of my lips, forcing upon the mutual look.

"Bet it was," Ryan scoffed, opening up the dorm window to evacuate the seawater smell invading our room. I shivered from the sudden cold hitting my wet skin.

"I'm just going to go to the shower rooms to... y'know..." I gestured down at my body as if it were obvious. My hand reached inside the cupboard collecting a towel, and a new change of clothes. Ryan nodded, grabbing a book off the desk and making himself comfortable on his bed.

He turned over the first page, looking upwards at me before he began reading. "And so you know, I don't really believe what you've told me."

I stopped in my tracks just as I was about to walk out of the door, turning around to the older brunette with a nervous- but curious, eyebrow raised.

"Wait-why-what do you mean?" I stammered.

Get your shit together, Tyler.

He stayed silent, eyeing me. Inspecting me- like a painting. As if I were a book he was attempting to read.

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