Unexpected - but not unwanted

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It's the year 1984, and Michael and his brothers are right in the middle of their Victory tour. You are a good friend of Michael, and you have known each other for some years by now. He's on stage with his brothers while you're backstage with the entire crew. You're watching the concert on a TV-screen.

I sit on a little chair, watching and listening as they sing the last notes of "Workin' Day and Night". I love that song, especially because Michael wrote it himself. Don't get me wrong, I love their other songs too, and the ones he sings that he didn't write himself. There's just something about the songs that he writes that's special.

The song eventually ends, and they get off the stage to the sound of a thunderous applause from the fans, and, it sounds like, a lot of screaming as well. I don't blame them. I can imagine how it must feel; to love someone as much as I know the fans love Michael and his brothers, getting to see them and having the time of your life... And then see them walk off the stage again. Not good. But at least they got to see them. The tickets were gone so fast, that at least some of the fans must have missed it.

I see Marlon, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Randy coming down the stairs to the room I'm in, with wide smiles and probably sky-high adrenaline. They are immediately surrounded by people handing them water bottles and towels and asking them to sit down. I smile. All the people here are like one big family, and they all know how exhausting it is for the brothers to be on stage. But... I haven't seen Michael. Why isn't he here yet? I get a bit worried, and are just about to go see if he's still on the stage (the TV-screen turned off when the show was over), when I see him walk down the stairs and into the room. I smile in relief, glad to see him.

He starts walking towards me, and I notice a strange little glimpse in his eyes. It's like... like the feeling of I've-wanted-this-forever-and-now-I-don't-care-I'm-gonna-do-it. But I don't know. Could also be I'm-seriously-pissed-about-something-and-I-gotta-get-it-out. I get a little nervous, as I've never seen him like that before.

All these thoughts race through my head in the about five seconds it takes him to cross the room with long steps, until he stands right in front of me. And then he wastes no time but simply bends down and presses his lips onto mine. I'm so shocked, I don't know what to do. For what seems like forever, even though it's probably just a few seconds, I just stand there. Then I break apart from him and runs out of the door, before he can say anything.

I sit down on a box right next to the closed door, outside of the room. I'm breathing heavily, and I really don't know what to do. He kissed me! One of my best friends actually just kissed me!!! And... I don't wanna lie to myself, it's not like I didn't enjoy it. Or like I haven't spent the last 5 months or so dreaming about doing the exact same thing to him.

I hear voices from the other side of the door. Jermaine telling Michael to go out and talk to me, Michael almost crying, saying that I would want some peace. Then Jermaine's voice gets a little louder and he demands Michael to go out. Someone takes deep breath, I assume it's Michael, and the door opens.

"Gry, I'm so sorry!" Michael says as the first thing, in the moment he steps out of the door. "I... I don't know what happened. You know that when I'm on stage I'm not as shy as usual and... and I just really wanted to, and..." He tries to explain, his voice cracking and without looking me in the eyes. "But... but... Gry, I really, really like you! But I respect that you don't like me in that way. Please say that we can still be friends, please! I can control it, I promise! You won't ever have to see that side of me again!" He goes on, not even stopping to breathe.

"Michael, calm down!" I respond, maybe a bit too stressed. He gets quiet, and I continue in a softer voice: "Michael, you don't have to apologize, it's okay. I... I like you too. I have for the past five months or so. I was just so shocked! It's not your fault, really. I'm sorry I made you think I didn't want you." 

I see Michaels eyes light up as I speak, see his lips widen into that beautiful smile I've come to love so much. I smile too, and pulls him in for a hug. He let go shortly after, looking me in the eyes and asking, with a glimpse in his eyes: "So, do I have your permission?"

"You have my permission" I laugh, and he kisses me again. Slower, but with so much feeling and passion and pure love, that I just know it.

 This is the man I'm gonna marry some day.

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