New Year's evening

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Hi guys! Sorry I didn't make you a Christmas chapter, I was kinda busy. Again.
Well, I wrote you a New Year's one. It was kinda fast, and probably not the highest quality, but... Can't change it now.
Happy New Year, Moonwalkers! I love you all!

"Elizabeth, hi!" I enthusiastically greet my old friend, when I arrive at her home.

"It's good to see you, Gry" She answers, giving me a light hug.

She and I have been friends for a long time, so of course I'm invited to her New Year's celebration. I really wanted to come, both to see Elizabeth again, and... I have another reason too.

Because another one of her friends are coming, and well... I really like him. I've met him a couple times before, usually because of our mutual friend, but once my job as a photographer led me to him too.

Every time we've met, he has been so nice to me. Now, I know he's nice to everyone, but just, like, in a special way towards me. And I know what you're thinking, and you're right, it could just be my lovestruck brain who plays tricks on me, but I don't think so.

He always smiles at me, that secret smile when no one else is looking. The glimpse in his eyes when we talk, the bright and shining smile, full of real happiness, that always lights up the room when I arrive. Besides, I've tried to flirt a little with him. Not much, 'cause I really don't know how that even works, but I've tried my best. And it always seems like he instantly sees what I'm doing, and catches up, flirts back. I know, it could just be politeness, or that he thinks it's fun, but I'm gonna choose to believe otherwise.

I scan the room to see if he's here, and I soon spot him, in a conversation with his producer, Quincy Jones. I start walking towards them, while also chatting with some of the other guests. I know some of them from my job, but I don't have what I would call a real friendship with more than maybe 5-6 of them. I glance in the direction of him for a second, and his eyes meets mine. He immediately lights up in a bright smile, and I really have to control myself in order to not just stand and stare at that smile.

"Gry! Good to see you!" He greets me, walking towards me with long steps.

"It's good to see you too, Michael!" I say happily, before he embraces me in a warm hug.

My breath gets caught in my throat for a moment, just at the feeling of his arms around me. How I wish I could just stay there! But soon enough we let go, and he goes back to his conversation with Quincy, which I join.

Michaels POV

I was talking with Quincy about the new album we're working on, and we had a really interesting conversation, and then... then my focus disappeared.

Because she came. That girl... I've only talked to her a few times, mostly because of Elizabeth, and one time managed to hire her for a photoshoot. But, there's just something about her. The way she smiles, the real happiness in her eyes, her wit and humor and amazing personality. Her body's curves and the way she moves it, how she hugged me just a moment ago...

I can't keep my thoughts on the conversation, and my words probably doesn't make much sense. She's standing right there beside me, engaging in the conversation. I can hear her sweet voice, see how she stands on her toes, just a bit, to better be able to look Quincy into the eyes when she talks to him. And me when she talks to me.

When I've talked to her at other occasions, she has always seemed happy, even flirtatious at times. I mean, I've tried to flirt a bit with her, but my words get so clumsy when she's around. Still, it seems like she doesn't have anything against it, and even flirts back sometimes. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything, I must remember that.

As time passes and we get closer and closer to midnight, most people begins to be a little, and in some cases a lot, drunk. I don't really drink, I want to be in my right mind to enjoy the evening. It seems like Gry thinks the same, I haven't seen her drink any alcohol the entire evening. And I've pretty much been with her the whole time!

"It's almost midnight" I say, maybe to her, maybe to myself.

"Yeah" She answers quietly "A year is gone, a new one can begin."

"What do you hope the new year will bring?" I ask, turning my head to look at her, and smiling a bit at the sight.

"I don't know..." She answers, smiling back and blushing a bit.

"You don't?" I ask her, teasing. Because it sure looks like she does.

She bites her lip, looking down at the floor, clearly embarrassed about something, but a little smile still plays on her lips.

"What about you, what do you wish for?" She then asks, turning the question to me.

"Well... Luck with my career, I suppose." I give her the easy answer, knowing very well what I actually wish for.


But of course I can't say that.

A quick glance at the clock tells me, that there's only three minutes till it strikes twelve, and a new year officially begins.

We stand for a moment in comfortable silence, before she decides to break it.

"You know, Michael. There actually is something I wish for in the new year" She begins. Her sentence trails off, as if she's hesitant to say it. "Something... something kind of big, and important, and absolutely wonderful"

Her eyes get a dreamy glimpse at the end of her sentence, and I can, almost physically, feel myself falling even more for her.

A beautiful rocket explodes on the sky outside, and covers the dark blue in dazzling silver. For a moment, everyone is watching it in silent admiration, before the chatting begins again. A moment of wonder, of beauty... I wish for such a moment.

"What is it that you wish for?" I ask her, my voice almost just a whisper.

It's only one minutes till twelve now.

"I wish that... something magical would happen. I wish for a very specific little miracle"

"What kind of miracle?"

I didn't realize I'd moved closer to her, but now I see we're only inches apart. It makes my heart beat a little faster, my breath go a little quicker...

Now people start counting down, I can hear them, even though she has almost made me deaf to the world. Nine, eight, seven...

"The miracle standing right in front of me" She whispers.

My heart skips a beat, when I realize what she means. Three, two one...

In the moment when everyone is yelling "zero" and "happy new year" and all that stuff, I don't hear anything. No, I've put my arms around her neck, and now I do what I've wanted for so long, and that she's just given me permission to.

When the clock strikes midnight, I lean in and connect our lips in the most magical of kisses I've ever experienced.

The sky lights up with colors and glitters and beauty that astounds the eye. But for the two people who stands there, nothing is more beautiful than the other.

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