School reunion

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This one is inspired by an imagine of @sebasstan. I've just started on my new school, and I can't promise I'll update as regularly as I used to, now when I'm just getting used to stuff here, but I'll try!

Thank you for reading my stories, I really appreciate that! L.O.V.E you Moonwalkers <3

It's the year 1991, and you and Michael have been together for three years. Four months ago, he proposed to you, and of course you happily said yes. The wedding is planned to be in only a month and three weeks. Today, you are going to a reunion with your old friends from High School.

"You ready, baby?" Michael asks me, just as I'm finishing brushing my hair and putting it in my usual ponytail.

"I am!" I answer him with a wide smile.

I can't wait to see my friends again! Today is the, for me, long awaited reunion with all the people I went to school with. I absolutely loved High School, because even though the school part wasn't very much fun, all the people I went there with were so nice. Well, of course not everyone, I think that's impossible. But by far the largest part. And as the optimistic person I am, I choose to focus on that.

I had four people who were my best friends back then, but I lost contact with two of them, when we graduated and went on to other schools. I kept in touch with the other two for years, until one of them finally decided to follow her dream of being an actress, and moved away to be closer to her work. She were also, of course, very busy with her work, as you have to when trying to become something in that world, which resulted in us almost never seeing each other. The last of my best friends, who stayed here close by, is actually the only one from my old school, who knows about my relationship with Michael.

We have kept our relationship out of the media as much as possible, and so far it's going extremely well. By the cost of not being able to go anywhere together, outside the privacy of our home, and being disguised if we ever have to, no one other than family and close friends knows my name, and no photos of me have found their way to the tabloids. I'm actually known by the media as "Michaels Mystical Girl", which I find amusing to no end!

Even today Michael is wearing a disguise, that I find pretty ridiculous, but he insists won't draw any attention to him. Because a big ass mustache and the weirdest glasses I've ever seen, definitely won't get anyone's attention...

When we sit in the car, I can't help but giggle a bit at his, to say the least, unusual look, and he just looks at me like he's very offended, which of course causes me to really start laughing.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, it's just that-" I start laughing again, unable to finish my sentence. His fake, insulted attitude doesn't help me stop my laughing at all, and soon he joins me, filling the car with his melodic laugh.

"You're adorable, you know that?" I tell him, not waiting for an answer before I lean in to kiss him softly.

"Though you should maybe consider just taking off the disguise. You look absolutely ridiculous, and people would probably recognize your voice anyways." I continue.

"Are you sure? We have worked so hard to not let the world know, and this could easily destroy it all?" He asks, sounding a bit unsure.

"Yeah, I think so. If we just ask people not to say anything, I'm sure they won't. And just... try to keep a low profile, then it will only be a few number of people who find out, and we will easily make them promise not to say anything"

"Okay... But Gry, you know it's a risk. If anyone gives the information to some tabloid, we will be flooded with stories by tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know. But... well, we gotta tell the world before our wedding at least, so it can't wait much longer."

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