Designing tour clothes

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It's first in June 1992, and Michael's dangerous tour is about to start in less than a month. You work as a journalist and in your free time, you are writing on a book. The two of you have known each other for many years, and two years ago Michael finally proposed to you. You got married only two months later, and since that you have just enjoyed your life and time with each other.

It's morning - early morning. I just woke up, and I actually don't know what the clock says, I just know it's way too early for me to be awake. But then again, I would think that almost no matter what time it is.

I turn around and push myself up on my elbow to look at the clock on the nightstand - 7:15 AM. I lay down again with a deep sigh. It's Saturday, and I'm definitely not in the mood for waking up early, especially not since I only fell asleep around 1 AM. If I know myself well, 6 hours of sleep is not nearly enough for me. I look beside me where Michael lays, still sleeping ever so sweetly. With a grunt of discontent, I close my eyes, knowing very well that I won't be able to fall asleep again. That's just one of the annoying things with being me.

About an hour later I finally realize this, and sits up in the bed. Falling asleep again is just not gonna happen, so then I can at least try and make something of the day. When I stand up from the bed, I can hear Michael move, and I look over at him. His eyes were closed a second ago, I swear! But now they're wide open, and he's looking at me with a smile.

"Good morning" He says, irritatingly awake.

"No, not a good morning" I answer in a grumpy voice.

"What's the matter? Couldn't you sleep?"

"No, I couldn't, and to make it even worse I also woke up an hour ago! I only slept about 6 hours!"

Michael just giggles a bit. He has known me for a long time, and he have learnt how to deal with my morning-tired self. He leans over to me and gives me a hug. I try to remain mad, but I soon must give that up. I just can't be annoyed at him, or at least not for very long. And to be fair, it is in no way his fault that I didn't get much sleep. It's not fair of me to punish him for it. An unwilling smile spreads on my face.

"That's my girl!" He says, smiling widely as he bends down to quickly peck me on the lips. I can't stop my smile from widening, and I look down to hide it. Michael just laughs at me and shakes his head, before taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

Both me and Michael often work a lot, so in order to not ruin our relationship with stress and no time for each other, we have made a deal called "no work on Sundays". This deal has, over time, extended to include Saturdays as well. Or, not officially. It's just like there is this kind of word-less understanding between us that Saturday is, as far as possible, a workfree day like Sunday.

However, today is different. When we sit down to eat our breakfast together, I can see that Michael have something on his mind.

"Gry, I... I know that we usually don't work on Saturdays, but... You know I'm going on tour soon, and I have to get done with designing the costumes." He says, a look of guilt on his face. "I'm sorry, I really am"

"it's okay" I tell him with a reassuring smile. "I know you have a lot to do. But, on one condition!" I add.

He looks at me, his eyes telling me to continue:

"I want to help you!"

"Okay!" He says, clearly surprised, but with a happy tone in his voice.

I smile at him, and he returns it. We finish our breakfast and quickly washes our plates, before heading to the "creativity room". In many households it would probably be called the office, but neither of us really liked that term - it sounds too much of work and too little of fun and well, creativity. So over time it just came to be called the "creativity room". It's where I sit and write, it's where Michael writes his songs, and it's where he designs his fancy clothes too.

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