The story of I Just Can't Stop Loving You part 1

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It's the year 1986, and Michael is working on his new album. The two of you have been friends since you were both kids, and four years ago you started dating. You moved in with him at Neverland a year ago.

"Okay Michael, I got the..." I begin, my voice fading when I realize that he's not in the room. I look around me, confused. Only a minute ago we were cooking dinner together, and then I leave the room for two minutes to get something from the freezer and poof! He's gone!

Where can he be? I think to myself, speculating hard over where on earth he could need to go so suddenly. And then I hear someone singing from the other end of the house, and it hits me. He probably got an idea for a new song.

It happens sometimes. At the most random times, he just all of sudden gets an idea for a new song, and then he rushes to the recording-room to put it on tape. I can see it for me, him standing here watching the chicken in the oven, and then... The chicken in the oven! I quickly opens the oven, and luckily it's not burned or anything. But surely done! I turn the oven off, and goes to find Michael.

When I get to the room, I can clearly hear Michael singing. Or well, he's humming a melody. I'm pretty sure there was some words before, but now it's only a melody. I don't know whether to open the door - on one side, I want to see what he's doing, hear about his idea, and on the other hand, I'm afraid to disturb him. I stand there a bit, lost in my speculations. I hear him get quiet, and I take that as my permission to enter.

I open the door, and see him standing on the floor with a recorder. He immediately looks up at me, his eyes sparkling with happiness and creativity.

"Gry! I just got a new idea, and..." He begins happily, before a guilty look all of sudden comes over his lines. "Oh! I... I just left the cooking... I'm sorry! I know I was supposed to watch the chicken, but I just suddenly heard this song in my head, and I just has to tape it so I wouldn't forget it! I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I turned off the oven" I reply to him with a little smile. "Can I hear your idea?" I ask, giving him my best puppy-eyes. He just giggles a bit, and answers:

"Sure". He starts the recorder, and I hear a few lines of what could be the beginning to a great song:

Each time the wind blows
hear you voice so

call your name

Then there's a lot of humming, a beautiful melody but no words. And then there is a few lines of text again:

At night when the stars shine
pray in you I'll find

love so true

The hummed melody continues, and when it ends, I can hear Michael mumbling and something with can't stop loving you or something.

"That's good!" I tell him truthfully.

"Thank you" He answers, a bit shy as always when someone compliments him. "But I'll have to work on some more text..."

"Yes, you will" I laugh. "Six lines is maybe a little bit short"

He smiles at me, and we leaves the room, going back to the kitchen and our half-finished meal. While making the last little things, I can hear him mumbling and humming a bit beside me, and I'm 100% sure that he's working on the rest of the text for the song. 

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