After a long day...

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Yet another one for the wonderful and creative @disneyqueen369. Thank you for the idea, and I hope you like the story!

It's the year 1987, and you and Michael have been together for almost a year, and due to you being in the middle of a pretty bad family situation, he asked if you would like to move in with him. It's February and very cold, plus of course in the middle of the flu-season.

"I'll see you on Monday, Suzanne" I yell at my colleague, already halfway out of the door of the nursery where I work.

The moment I'm out of the building, I lean against the wall and takes a deep breath. It has been a long day, a long week actually. Three of my colleagues have been sick with the flu and had to stay at home, and for some reason there have only been one substitute in, so we have been two man short the whole week. That have resulted in me having to work until five in the afternoon every day except for Tuesday, where I had to come at six in the morning. I'm pretty sure some of the kids have been a bit ill too, because the amount of screaming have been boundless!

My car broke down the other day (on my way home from work, of course, so I got home much later than usually), so I have had to take the bus to and from work, given that my boyfriend, Michael, have been more than busy with his work too, and just haven't been able to find the time to drive me. I let out a small sigh at the thought of my man. He's about to release his new album, Bad, in just a few months, so he's probably still at the studio when I get home.

I lift up my bag that I unknowingly put down on the ground, and starts walking towards the bus stop. The thought of a long, bumpy ride home in an over-filled bus with people talking loudly and probably not a free seat is exhausting me even more, but I do my best to pull myself together. Too bad our chauffeur is on a holiday this week.

When I go around a corner and the bus stop is finally in sight, I freeze in horror. Because there, a hundred meters away from me, is the bus leaving the stop. Without me. I run as fast as I can towards it, cursing my heavy bag and bad physical form, but of course it's too late.

The bus is gone long before I reach the stop, but I run over there anyways. Doing my absolute best to keep it together, I check the timetable for when the next bus, that goes in direction of my home, will arrive. In an hour.

The thought of sitting here for a full hour, just waiting for the bus to arrive, so that I can come home an hour later than normal, breaks me. I just can't take it anymore. I'm stressed and exhausted and oh so tired after a full week of not sleeping very well at night.

I cover my face in my hands as I feel a sob burning in my throat. I try to keep it in, I really do, but I just can't.

Right in the moment where I finally let go, just accepting that I'm gonna be the crazy woman crying at a bus stop, I hear something. The sound of a car that pulls in at the stop.

At first I don't even bother to look up, thinking it's probably just someone getting a lift over here by a friend or something. I hear the car door slam, and running steps makes their way towards me. Just in this moment I finally look up, and the sight of my boyfriend running towards me with a worried glimpse in his eyes meets me.

Only a second later he's beside me, hugging me, drying me tears and kissing my cheek.

"What's wrong beautiful?" He asks me, love and compassion showing clearly in his soft voice.

"N-Nothing" I stutter, trying to calm my crying.

He just holds me tighter, caressing my back with one of his hands. I just sit there, pulling myself even closer to him in an attempt to escape the world.

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