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Hello again moonwalkers! I wrote this story last summer, but forgot about  it,  and found it again today. I know it's a little messy, but i thought you would like an update ;) I know it has been a long time, but honestly, I don't think I'll get back to my once-or-twice-a-week schedule anytime soon. 

Anyways, I L.O.V.E you all, and I hope you'll forgive me for my weird updating

It's the year 1978, and Michael just released a new album with his brothers, Destiny, a few months ago. You don't know much about that, though. You don't really know much about him, and you certainly wouldn't recognize him if you saw him. But that doesn't mean you wouldn't be captured by his beauty or sweet personality...

A few years ago, my whole family went to visit some of my parents friends at this campsite, called Oasis, and we liked it so much that we have come here every year since.

We always live in a tent, and though that might sound a bit primitive, we have a really big, nice tent, with a separate room for my brother, my parents and one for me and my sister to share.

Anyways, Oasis has a lot of different things going on, for all ages. For example, my brother, who's 12 years old, can go to a place with activities for people around his age, while my sister, 15, and me, 18, go to a different place with things for people our age. Well, between our age. She's the youngest you can be to be in this category, and I'm the oldest. That being said, there are a few older people, usually in their twenties, who makes the plans and keeps everyone together and informed, and just all in all controls stuff.

Right now, I'm on my way to a concert with a band called Funmachine. They're not very well-known, I think, or at least I haven't heard of them before. But it sounds fun, and who am I to miss it then?!

As I get to the building, I get a glimpse of four men in white shirts walking in through a back-door. That must be the band members.

I continue to follow the flood of people going through the front door, and find myself in a big, empty room, with a stage at one end. The room slowly fills with people, as I walk aimlessly around it. I don't know anyone here, or at least not anyone I would want to be with. My sister is here, with one of her friends, but I don't really like to dance around people I know, who can then comment on it later. I prefer to just have a party of my own, or in best case get some new friends to dance with. I don't expect to meet anyone, who would like to be and dance with me, but I can't keep myself from hoping!

I'm brought back from my thoughts by a woman, who goes on the stage and introduces the band. They then walks on the stage, while everyone is clapping, including me. I can already feel the great mood among the audience, and all the happiness around me makes me smile from ear to ear.

The band members find their positions at respectively* the drums, the electric guitar, the keyboard, and the microphone, before starting off with a happy, up-beat song, that soon makes everyone start dancing carefully, as to test the limit, see what is acceptable and approved.

The band doesn't write their own songs, they sing the songs that are popular, are played on the radio, and that everyone knows. Given that I'm not exactly "everyone", I don't know most of the music, but it doesn't affect me, I just move to the beat.

I can see people slowly beginning to form groups, small circles of people dancing. I guess it's groups of friends and people who know each other, but of course I can't know for sure. I'm standing right beside a rather large group, and when a new song comes on and everyone is cheering and singing along, I see a girl with light, almost white, hair, waving at me to come join the group. I make eye contact with her, and she laughs and waves again. A happy smile spreads on my lips, as I go to join them. I dance beside the girl, jumping and singing along to the music, which is finally a song I know too. The smile just won't leave my face, and I laugh along with the others as one boy goes to the middle of the circle and does a goofy, little dance.

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