Visiting home part 1

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It's the year 1981, and you and Michael have been together for almost five years now, even though two of them were mostly over the phone. You have lived with him at Hayvenhurst for eight months now.

Bump! A pile of shirts land in my suitcase, followed by just as many pants. I continue with looking for my favorite, yellow cardigan, along with some others I'm bringing too. I gotta be prepared, we're not exactly going to a warm country!

To be more exact, we're going to visit my family. I'm born and raised in Denmark, and my family still lives there. I went to America as an exchange student, to go to college and learn about other countries and cultures, improve my English, and get to know some new people; get some friends and an adventure. And I sure met new people! Michael and I quickly became friends, and it soon developed into a loving relationship. But then, after two years of school, I had to go home. It was heartbreaking, but neither of us intended to let it keep us apart. We made schedules over when we both were awake, and we called, facetimed and texted every time we got the change. That wasn't as much as we could have hoped, as I was busy with my education, and Michael with his music.

Two years later I finally finished my education and could now call myself an author. Or well, I hadn't published any books yet, but I was working on one. I got that published later, by the way. But then nothing was in the way, and I moved to California to live with Michael. My parents weren't very happy with that, they think it's too far away, but they know very well how much I love Michael, and they didn't want to keep us apart. I just had to promise to visit them sometimes. That is a promise I'm keeping now, ten months later.

It's a bit later than they wanted, I'm sure, but we just needed some time to settle in our new life together. Michael is, as always, busy with his music, and I with my writing, so there just haven't been much time. Besides, it's not like I don't talk to them. I call at least once a week, often more.

I carefully place my book on the top of all the clothes and closes the suitcase, finally done with the packing.

Just in this moment, Michael comes into the room.

"Done with the packing??" He asks, and I nod.

"Great!" He says with a smile that I can't help but return. "Let me help you get it out in the car"

"How weak do you think I am, Jackson?" I jokingly ask him, before lifting up the case and carrying it all the way out to the car. I may not be very tall or fit, but I'm not weak either!

"Well done, my strong girl!" He says with a teasing tone in his voice.

"You bet I am!" I reply, before kissing him softly on the lips.

"Do you know you're pretty amazing, Gry??"

"Do you know you're more??"

"Do you know you're most?"

"No I don't, cause it's not true" I tell him, laughing.

"It is!" He insists, and I just shake my head. I tuck one of his curls back behind his ear, that one that always fall down in his face.

"When are we driving?" I ask him, changing the subject.

"In..." He checks his watch "... 30 minutes" He tells me, knowing very well that I already know that, that I've been looking at the clock all morning, that I just wanted to change the subject. But he goes with it and lets me.

"Then Line should be here in 15 minutes!" I say. Line is one of my best friends from Denmark, and she moved over here a year before I did. She have always dreamt of being an actor, and the way for that is in America. It goes pretty good for her, she has got a role in an okay-big movie. Not the lead role, but still good. She too promised her parents to come visit sometimes, and given that we have been keeping in touch since I moved over here too, she was very happy when I suggested that she could travel with us.

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