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The drive to Evans house was less awkward than Connor thought it was going to be. He and Heidi didn't really talk, it was like everything that needed to be said had been said and now they were both just sitting in exhaustion.

    Apparently Heidi had been working extra shifts to be able to stay near him for when he woke up, he thanked her for that. She had forced Evan to go home under the condition that she stayed behind and told him immediately when he woke up. She had texted him right before they got into the car. What she didn't tell Evan however was that she was taking Connor to see him. Right that very second.

    Connor was having a very large internal freak out. He knew he liked Evan. he knew it might be even more than like but how the hell was he supposed to tell him that. People were supposed to plan for these kinds of things, so why can't he seem to think of a plan. This isn't a fucking proposal for god's sake. Why couldn't this be easier. Why couldn't he just walk on in there and magically make Evan his boyfriend. Just as soon as he walks into the door evan greets him with a kiss and they talk about their day. But no. Connor just woke up from a freaking coma and Evan was at his house worrying over him probably. Well he hoped he was worrying over him. He might not be, he could have- STOP IT!! Connor thinks to himself. He takes a calming breath and goes back to thinking up a plan. Heidi gives him a sideways glance from the steering wheel. "I can tell you're worrying. My son makes that same face when he overthinks things. You're going to do fine Connor. There's really no way you can mess this up kid." Connor gives her a weak smile. He can definitely screw this up, ruining things is is one talent.

    As soon as Connor recognises the streets he begins to squirm is his seat. He was so fucking nervous. At least he finally had a plan. He didn't want to go in there and kiss Evan he wanted to go in there and hug him and ask him out on a date. He wanted to go slow with him. Evan was special to him. Evan was different. Evan was the one who made him smile on a bad day, and gave him hugs for no apparent reason, and understood him better than his own family. He wanted to make Evan feel as special as he was to him. They pulled up to the house only moments after Conor finished formulating his plan. Ask Evan out on a Date. it was simple. He couldn't screw this up. He almost prayed he didn't screw it up.

     They pulled up yo the small, quiet house and into the driveway. Connor felt like he was going to throw up. He felt like he was frozen. Heidi came around to is side of eth car and open the door for him. He mechanically stepped out, stomping his feet a little on the ground trying to break himself out of it. Heid noticed and rolled her eyes a bit. She swung her arm around his shoulder startling him a little bit. "Stop freaking out. You'll do fine. How many times do i have to tell you."

    "I don't think anything anything can make me feel better" He said. Well anything except Evan.

    " why don't you wait here. I'm gonna go in there and see if Evan is awake. I'll tell you when to come in ok?" Heidi said, taking her arm off his shoulder and reaching for the house keys in her purse.

    "Ok, do think he's going to be mad at me?" Connor asked. He was not worrying about Even blaming him for his broken arm. It was kind of his fault. If he hadn't been there and is he hadn't suggested they eat outside the both might be alright right now. Heidi laughed at him. Connors face turned red out of embarrassment. Of course it was a stupid question.

    "He is definitely not mad at you. He's more worried out of his mind. I would thank him if i were you, you would be hurt a lot worse if he wasn't here" Heidi said, finally fishing the house keys out of her purse. She gave a triumphant "Ah Ha!" before looking back at him.

    " Of course i'm going to thank him. He means the world to me." Connors blush deepened a bit realizing he had just said that to Evans mom. Heidi smiled a bit and walked up to the door. Connors stayed put and waited.

     Before she walked in she said "if i don't come out in the next 2 minutes feel free to let yourself in." Connor nodded and she walked into the dim lighted house.
Leaving Connor alone might not have been the best idea because leaving him alone let his thoughts run wild. By the time he noticed 2 minutes had passed Connor had gone over at least 25 bad "what if" situations. Connor looked at the clock on his phone, remembering what Heidi had said. Most 3 minutes had passed by then. "Shit" Connor muttered to himself. Maybe if he just stayed outside he wouldn't have to face rejection, or maybe if you go inside you can have everything you have ever dreamed of. Damn that nagging voice in the back of his head.

      Connor walked up to the door, he thought about knocking but Heidi had said for him to let himself in. Connor reached for the doorknob but was stopped. The door swung open. Evan stood in the entryway, completely disheveled and in baby blue pjs with turtle on them. Connor started to move his hands to sign something, breaking out of his stupor. Evan moved forward. He moved slowly almost to see if he was real. Evan was then standing so close Connor could smell him. He smelled like pine trees and cinnamon, it was intoxicating. Evan lifted his good hand up to caress Connors injured face. Conor stopped breathing. Evan looked into his eyes and Connor saw he had been crying. Then the magic halted and Evan flung himself onto Connor, wrapping his arms around his neck in a breathtaking bear hug. Connor started shaking a bit. He was probably crying. Connor was crying because he was so happy.

      Heidi spotted them stuck to each other in the doorway and smiled at him. Before giving her signature suggestive wink.

Connor wanted to move further inside so they could sit on the couch but he had no clue how to do so without disturbing Evan from where he was clinging onto him like he was the galaxies last hope. Connor did the one thing he could think of. He picked Evan up. He removed his arms from around his waist and moved them to under his ass. Connor blushed when Evan flinched a bit. Evan just wrapped his legs around Connors middle like it was nothing and settled back into a good position.

   "Um Heidi what do i do?" Connor asked. Evan couldn't hear him anyways. She just smirked and said,

   "Up to you. I would take him to the couch and talk with him. He's had a rough day."
   Connor moved to the couch with Evan. Evan unlatch himself from connor and sat next to him, blushing. "Hi" Evan signed.

    "Hi" Connor signed back.

    Evan almost started crying again. "I as so worried about you. I'm so sorry Connor." he signed his hands shaking. Connos brow furrowed in confusion.

    "Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong, you saved me. Are you ok?" Connor asked, reaching to inspect Evans cast. It had a little smiley face on it but nothing else. He guessed the face was from Heidi.

      Connor looked up to meet Evans eyes. He was blushing again. God he had missed him. Even though he didn't know how long he had been out there was a gaping hole in his chest that screamed "EVAN" in his ear.

    "Im fine Connor." Evan signed. Connor just wanted to hug him again, but he knew what he was putting off. Conor just smiled instead. Now or never.

A/N: so this is probably the longest chapter I've written. I think I'm going to start writing more for this story. Connor asks Evan out on a date next chapter!! How will Evan react. . .

   If you're a supernatural fan then PLEASE go check out our other book "OOH"

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