Being loved

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Connor's first thought was to go stay in a motel. Connor had stayed in a few before with his friends, but he couldn't remember the experience very well. All he did remember was the he didn't like it. Connor then remembered Evan. He was incredibly close by, and his mom seemed to be okay with him. His family was nothing like his, and that's exactly what Connor as looking for. Only... He didn't want to be rude or anything. Maybe they didn't like him as much as he thought, maybe Evan had changed his mind, maybe Heidi was lying about everything she said... Connor shook his head in an attempt to get his bad thought out. He knew that they wouldn't be mad at him. Connor sighed and took out his phone.

    Could we hang out today?

    He typed. Connor thought about his words, then deleted the message.

    Hey Ev, is it alright if i stop by?

    He sent it before he had the chance to change his mind. Connor slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked out of his driveway. His dad wouldn't meet his eyes as he walked out of the house. He had acted like his gayness was contagious. Connor was about to start walking to the nearest motel when his phone buzzed.

    Connor raced to pull his phone out of his pocket and check the message, but as soon as his hand touched the device, he stopped himself. He didn't want to seem impatient texting Evan back so soon, but he also didn't want to be rude and wait.  "Screw it" Connor murmured aloud as he pulled out the phone.

Of course  you could come over! My mom was planning on letting me stay home from school today anyways. Too much stimulation from yesterday has me tired.

Connor smiled at how cute his boyfriend was. Evan was perfect, flaws and all.  He started walking towards Evans house when he spotted Zoe looking out of her window at him. He looked up and gave her a small wave, she rolled her eyes and closed the blinds. Connor snorted to himself and kept walking.

When he and Zoe were younger nothing could come between them, but it had all changed when Connor started abusing drugs. Zoe had tried and tried to help him stop, but to no avail. Now that he was clean, he couldn't even think of his old self. Connor reached down and tugged at his sleeve. Underneath were his scars. He had tried to kill himself once, only once. Never again. But the thought would pass his mind when he was sitting alone in the dark. Those were his worst times. Evan had become like his sun. He no longer felt that dark place like he once did. Evan always was there to pull him out. Just the thought of seeing him brightened up his day.

Connor walked over to Evans house with a hop in his step. No one was at his school yet, as it was still early in the morning, so Connor wasn't really surprised to see Jared sitting out in the bushes again.

"Good morning Jared!" Connor yelled into the bush.

"AH!" Jared screeched as he jumped up, his hair was filled with leaves, and his hands were up in a defensive position. When he realized who it was he let his hands cross at his chest.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Jared said, glaring at Connor with a fierce face, or what he thought was one. To Connor, he looked like he was squinting.

"You're the creep hiding in the bushes!" Connor shouted back. He had never liked Jared very much, but now he liked him even less. Jared snorted and brushed some of the leaves off of his pants.

"I was just leaving anyway..." Jared said as he bent down and grabbed his laptop off of his blanket. There wasn't any goldfish today, however, he seemed to stuff what looked like a half-eaten.... bathbomb..... into his pajama pocket. 

"When are you going to get your Wifi fixed?" Connor asked. He didn't like Jared creeping around outside of his boyfriends' house. Jared gave him a questioning look.

Hugs (Connor/deaf!Evan)Where stories live. Discover now