Diffrent now.

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"I like your bracelet" Evan signed as soon as the teacher back was turned.

"Wore it just for you" Connor said, it was too hard to not tease him a bit. Evan blushed. Connor was still amazed he could make him react like that.

"Really? What makes me so special?" Evan signed eyebrows raised to question him. Was Evan challenging him? No wait. . .he couldn't be flirting back could he?

"Lost me there" Connor signed back. Evan gave a cheeky smile. The teacher started talking again but this time with her back facing Evan. Jared turned around and swung his legs over the back of his chair, his hands started moving at rapid speed. Evan just watched Jared and nodded along.

Connor wished he could do that for Evan. He wanted Evan to focus on him with just as much intensity as he watch Jared's hands. The teacher turned back around and Jared signed one more thing to Evan. "Are you going to read lips or do you want me to keep interpreting?"

"I'll read lips, Connor can help me if I don't understand anything" Evan signed

Jared glared at Connor and made sure to flip him off as soon as Evans attention was on the teacher. Connor wished Evan would stare at his lips like that. Wished he would kiss his lips. Wish I could kiss his lips. As soon as the thought crossed his mind he mentally reset, putting his hands down (A/N: I'll explain this at the end of the chapter) he took a deep breath and looked back at the teacher, not really paying attention.

Evan tapped him on the shoulder "could you Interpret for me? I need to ask a question" he asked. Who was Connor to deny him.

"Always" Connor signed. Evan blushed and raised his hand.

The teacher looked at Evan and said "Yes Evan?" Evan started to sign.

"In the textbook it spells Simiiformes with two I's you only have one." Connor said slowly, watching Evans fingers closely as he finger spells the ridiculously long word.

"Thank you for pointing that out Mr. Hansen." Mrs. T says blushing at her mistake. She fixes the word written on the whiteboard.

"Nice job" Connor signs. Evan blushes again. Jesus Chist how does he blush so much without his face staining permanently red. It was beautiful. He was beautiful, he was ALWAYS beautiful. Perfect perfect perfect.

The rest of class flew by and all Connor could think about was Evan, and lunch. Connor lived for lunch time. He used to be excited for lunch time because he could sneak out for a smoke, but he quit that. There wasn't anything left for him in that life. The weed, the constant high, living on the edge like he had nothing holding him back. Well he had Evan. And before Evan, Zoe had raided his stash and threaten to tell mom and dad. The thought of his parents knowing scared him shitless. So he quit.

It was hard to, but at the same time easier than he thought it would be. Weed was easier to leave than the heavy narcotics he had seen his friends on. It fried their brains until they were nothing but hollow shells. Connor always told himself he wasn't like them, he was better than them. He had it under control. But he really didn't. Stoping was the best thing that he'd ever done, especially now that Evan was here.

God it would have been so embarrassing if Evan saw how he used to be. Connor had to shake his head to keep the thought out. He was different now.

Connor was pulled out of his thoughts by the bell. He jumped a little, shaking his desk causing one of his books to fall. Evan saw the book and looked up at Connor. "What wrong?" Evan signed, concerned.

"Nothing, sorry the bell startled me a bit." Connor signed back, smiling a bit at how cute Evan was when he was worried. Dear lord he was so fucking gay.

A/N: so basically the thing with the hands is for when you lose track of thoughts. You're resetting, putting your hands down and starting over. I do this a lot with my scattered ADHD brain.

Guys feel free to comment on my spelling errors. I don't have an editor and I'm too lazy to reread what I write

Should I do a chapter from Evans point of view?

Are you guys actually liking this story? I really enjoy writing it!! I know the chapters are short but I think they get the job done. I'll try to update more but I don't really know when I can.


Hugs (Connor/deaf!Evan)Where stories live. Discover now