2- Double Trouble

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     Annabelle started getting out money for the guy at the motel. She was almost positive that he was going to start flirting, yet it hadn't come yet. She was surprised, yet kind of offended at the same time. 

     "Hey, so, if you're alone in that room," the guy started. There it was. "Maybe I could give you some company." She looked up with the money in her hand, then shook her head. 

     "Don't think my boyfriend would be very fond of that," she said. She handed him the money, and he slowly handed her the room key. 

     "I mean, he doesn't have to know," the clerk said again. 

     "Who doesn't have to know what?" Kevin asked walking up behind Annabelle. She smiled, tilting her head to the clerk. 

     "Here's your other key," the clerk said. Kevin grabbed it, and started turning around. Annabelle followed, and made sure the the clerk was watching. She laced her fingers through Kevin's, then quickly whispered. 

     "Just go with it." 

     "Alright," Kevin said nodding slightly. Upon rounding the corner and not being seen by the guy anymore, both let go. "What was that about?" 

     "Let's just say I don't like motel creeps," Annabelle answered. She unlocked the door, walking inside. She set her bags on the bed, then let Kevin walk in before shutting and locking the door. She quickly pulled back the carpet and spray painted a devil's trap. Kevin then got in the shower as Annabelle worked on the floor. She let it dry before throwing the carpet back on it, and throwing the spray paint in her bag. Kevin walked out of the restroom, his hair still wet. Annabelle was going through the TV channels before getting to the news. 

     "And in other news a mysterious death here has been reported as impossible. Seeing as the victim's heart was ripped out of their chest and is missing, medics are claiming is as a homicide." 

     "I could only take one guess of what that is," Annabelle muttered under her breath. She stood up, walking to her bag. She pulled out her FBI uniform, then found her badge. "Alright, guess I'm going to work." 


     "There's a person who's heart is missing from their chest. Obviously they're dead. I'm gonna go check out the body," Annabelle responded. She made her way to the bathroom, changed, then walked back out. "See you later." 

     "Bye," Kevin said. Annabelle was halfway out the door before turning back inside. 

     "And if I call you saying I need you to clarify that I need to see the body, that means act like my boss," Annabelle said with a nod. 

     "Okay..." Kevin said. Annabelle walked out to her car, getting in. She sighed, looking at her phone. She was considering texting Sam and telling him she was on a hunt. Yet, she would've gotten a reply by now. She sighed, starting the car and backing out. 


     The hospital was booming, and Annabelle could barely make it back to the morgue. She had made it there with the help of a nurse. She got inside where a doctor was shutting a door. 

     "Afternoon, doctor," Annabelle said beginning to get her badge out. "Agent Stevens. I was wondering if I could see the body with the missing heart." 

     "Ah, yes. But may I ask why the FBI is on this case?" the doctor asked confused. 

     "Just following orders," Annabelle responded. The doctor nodded, pulling the body out for Annabelle to see. 

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